

2.现实总是这样 非要逼着我用微笑面对谎言.没了心动的感觉却羡慕别人的爱情.
3.The reality is always like this. I have to force me to face the lie with a smile. I have no feeling of heart, but I have to envy other people's love.
4.I will remember the days when the rain was pouring down and no one gave me an umbrella. (我会记得大雨滂沱,没有人给自己伞的日子。)
5.“其实女生吧” “你越宠她她就越懂事.” “你越懂她她就越温柔.” “你对她好.” “她无论如何都不会让你输.”
6.时间可以从零开始,但是故事无法从几点结束(Time can start from scratch, but uncle can not end from the beginning. )
7.如果再给我一次选择的机会,我一定不会再选他。(If you give me another chance to choose, I will definitely not choose him again. )
8.断过的绳子 怎么系都会有结现实总是这样,非要逼着我微笑的去面对谎言时间从零开始 故事却无法从终点结束(How come a broken rope has a knot of its own. The reality is always like this, I have to force a smile to face the lie, time from scratch, the story can not end from the end. )
9.How do you give nine sweets to ten children? (九颗糖怎么分给十个小朋友呀?)
10.山河仍人,人去楼空数学里有一句话 过程错了就是错了(The mountains and rivers still go to the building, there is a saying in mathematics, the process is wrong, it is wrong. )