
Q. Were you surprised when you were selected to give the invocation? A. I was humbled and honored to have a tiny part in a history-making day. The invitation was completely unexpected. I could name several dozen wonderful pastors who would have done a better job.
Q. Why did you invite the two candidates to Saddleback last August? A. I'd known both senators before they decided to run for the presidency, and I happened to like them both. They are both patriots, they both love America, they’re both good leaders.
Q. What did you hope to accomplish with the event? A. I wanted to try to tone down the rhetoric—one of my goals is to restore civility to our society.
Q. That goes beyond preaching the Gospel. A. As a pastor, I’m for the good news and the common good. The good news is about Jesus Christ. The common good-whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not—is that we’re all on this planet. We’re all a part of humanity.
Q. How did you choose Southern California to start spreading your message? A. It was a total move on faith. I had graduated from the seminary, and Kay and I were living in Fort Worth, Texas. I remember telling her, “I think we’re supposed to go to Southern California and start a new church. What do you think?” She said, “Well, it scares me to death, but I believe in God and I believe in you, so let’s do it.” So we got in the car and dragged a U-Haul behind us. We arrived here on January 1, 1980, in the middle of rush-hour traffic——I grew up in a village of about 500 people—and I said, “God, you got the wrong guy. What am I doing here?”
Q. How did you find your answer? A. I pulled off the highway, and we walked into this real estate office and met an agent named Don Dale. I said, “My name is Rick Warren. I am 25 years old. I’m here to start a church. I don't have any members. I don't have a building. I don’t know anybody here. I don’t have any money, and I need a place to live.” Within two hours, that guy found us a condo. He convinced the owner to give us a free month of rent and nothing down.
Q. Did Don join your church? A. We were driving to the condo with him and I said, “Hey, Don, do you go to church anywhere?” He said, “No, no. I hate church.” I said, “Great. You’re my first member.” We started with my family and his family. Our first service was on Easter Sunday in 1980, with 200 people. For Easter in 2008, we had 14 services back-to-back, with 45,000 people. Don is still a member here.
Q. When did you decide to expand beyond Lake Forest? A. In our second decade, we said, “Okay, now we’re going to go national, and we’re going to help others.” I cared about the little churches with 50 or 75 members. Maybe they couldn’t afford to pay someone full-time to be their pastor, and I said, “Let’s help these guys.” So I started training pastors, and in the 90s, I trained about 250,000 people all over America. After that, we reached out globally.

问:这已超越了传播福音。答:作为一个牧师,我的使命是带来好消息和共同利益。好消息就是耶稣基督。至于共同的利益, 不管你是否信耶稣基督,我们都在地球上生活。我们都是人类。
问:你为何会选择南加州来开始传道?答:这全出于信念。我从神学院毕业后,和凯住在得克萨斯州的沃思堡。我记得我告诉她说,“我想我们应该去南加州创建一个新教堂。你觉得如何?“她说,”嗯,我害怕死了,但我相信上帝,我相信你,所以让我们做吧。“于是我们上了车,拖着U-Hual搬运拖卡车,在1980年1月1日,在交通繁忙时段来到这里。 我在一只有约500人的小村庄长大,我说,“上帝,你找错人了。我在这里做些什么好?“

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Lake Forest不是森林湖,是莱克福里斯特城。


