请高手英文专业翻译,论文指导老师要求较高,已被退回一次了,这次希望有高手专业翻译下,今晚就要 ,重谢


English writing is a highly-complicated thought process which requires cognitive complexities,thinking abilities, writing abilities as well as organizational capabilities. To those high school juniors who have had English background,they have the opportunity to communicate in writen English. Therefore,if the teacher takes full advantage of this period to develop the students`interests in English writing, this should lay foundation for their further improvement in English learning in future.
This thesis is to probe and research the English writing teaching firstly,then to promote a teaching method,namely the mode of "preparation,creation and modification" and lastly make the method throughout the daily English teaching.

翻译中,由于英汉的文化差异,有个别词句没有严格按照原意来翻,如“提高英文水平”以及“需求”,希望你能理解。 最后,祝你的论文能顺利通过。
第1个回答  2010-07-22
English writing is a cognitive ability, thinking ability, writing ability, organizational skills are highly required highly complex thought processes. On the junior high school students, the English already has a foundation, so useful to them in English written communication needs. Teachers do a good job at this time if this critical period, to improve their English writing, thereby further improving their standard of English in the future and lay a good foundation. This article on the junior high school English teaching to explore and propose measures in accordance with the "preparation phase, writing stage, modify stage" model of teaching writing, so that English teaching through the English daily teaching.
第2个回答  2010-07-22
English writing is a cognitive ability, thinking ability, writing ability and organizational ability have high demands highly complicated thinking process. For students, English has certain basis, so they are useful English writing needs. This teacher can on the stage, improve their English writing for their interest, thus further improve English lay a good foundation. Based on the junior middle school English writing teaching research, can according to "the preparation stage, writing, modify stage" mode, the teaching of writing English writing teaching in English everyday teaching.
第3个回答  2010-07-22
English writing is a cognitive ability, thinking ability, writing ability, organizational skills are highly required highly complex thought processes. On the junior high school students, the English already has a foundation, so useful to them in English written communication needs. Teachers do a good job at this time if this critical period, to improve their English writing, thereby further improving their standard of English in the future and lay a good foundation. This articleEnglish writing is a cognitive ability, thinking ability, writing ability and organizational ability have high demands highly complicated thinking process. For students, English has certain basis, so they are useful English writing needs. This teacher can on the stage, improve their English writing for their interest, thus further improve English lay a good foundation. Based on the junior middle school English writing teaching research, can according to "the preparation stage, writing, modify stage" mode, the teaching of writing English writing teaching in English everyday teaching.
on the junior high school English teaching to explore and propose measures in accordance with the "preparation phase, writing stage, modify stage" model of teaching writing, so that English teaching through the English daily teaching
第4个回答  2010-07-23
English writing is a cognitive ability, thinking ability, writing ability, organizational skills are highly required highly complex thought processes. On the junior high school students, the English already has a foundation, so useful to them in English written communication needs. Teachers do a good job at this time if this critical period, to improve their English writing, thereby to further improve the English level of their future and lay a good foundation. This article on the junior high school English teaching to explore and propose measures in accordance with the "preparation stage, the writing stage, the modified phase" model of teaching writing, to teaching English writing in English throughout the day to day teaching.