

Book 2 Modules 5-6
11-15 ACBCC 16-20ABACA
21-25 BCDCD 26-30CBCBC
31-35 DDCCD 36-40ACDEB
41-45 ACCDD 46-50BABCA
51-55 CDCBD 56-60ABADC
61. amazing 62. where
63. At 64.are decorated
65. performance 66.what
67. speaking 68.totally
69. a 70.to talk
71. ... the small boy ... the → a
72. ... was approached me ... 去掉was
73. ... an eagerly look ...
eagerly → eager
74. ... they were cheaper.
cheaper → cheap
75. ... any of their ... their → his
76. ... I gave the boy ... gave → give
77. ... couldn't bother us.
couldn't → wouldn't
78. ... to my friends ... friends → friend
79. ... the boy think ... think前加to
80. ... by doing nothing. nothing → something
One possible version:
As we can see from the picture, a man istrying to dive into the water to save a drowning person but is stopped bysomeone else.
Helping others in trouble is one of thetraditional virtues of the Chinese nation. However, many people won't do itnow. They think it might cause trouble to themselves and they don't think it'sworthwhile to save others at the risk of their own lives. They fail to thinkabout what others will do if they are in danger.
Helping others is a kind of spirit manypeople lack now. Let's try our best to maintain it.
21. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的The military no longer has leave, so if you come home you have topay for it可知,Kern这次回家是请了无薪假。
22. C。推理判断题。由第七段中的Pearl apparently didn't recognize her father and walked right pasthim可推断,Pearl见到父亲时像看到陌生人一样没有反应。
23. D。词义猜测题。由第十段开头的They gave him a full uniform and kept him in the back可推断,饭店方面支持并参与了这场精心策划的团聚。故划线部分的意思应该是“参与团聚”。
24. C。推理判断题。由第十段开头的They gave him a full uniform and kept him in the back可推断,Woldoff的婆婆之所以没有认出Kern来是因为他穿着服务员的制服。
25. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的The pickle became popular in the U.S. though when the first Jewishimmigrants came to New York可知。
26. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的used the pickle as a palate cleanser. The acidity allows you toexperience the sharp contrast in flavors and more fully appreciate the taste ofyour sandwich可知,泡菜被用来充当味觉清洁剂的作用。故C项正确。
27. B。段落大意题。由第三段开头的the pickle's popularity grew及下文提到的“泡菜战争”和泡菜节可推断,本段主要讲泡菜越来越受欢迎。
28. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的the pickle is now the most commonly used side dish for a sandwichand the combination makes up the majority of all pickle consumption可推断,大部分泡菜被用作三明治的配菜。
29. B。篇章结构题。由下文的in the Legislature's Transportation Committee last week opposing aproposal可推断,划线词指代立法者。作者开篇幽默地挖苦立法者因为被手机干扰而没有做出正确的决断。
30. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的unless the driver is typing or reading a text message, he can't bepunished可知,在缅因州司机开车时读短信属于分心驾驶,会被惩罚。
31. D。细节理解题。由第七段末的Both devices, researchers say, require the same amount of mentalfocus to use可知,这项研究表明使用免提装置和手持电话所需要的精力差不多。
32. D。写作目的题。由第一段末的to ban the use of hand-held cellphones by drivers及最后一段末的They should take a step thisyear可推断,作者写作此文是为了建议缅因州通过关于司机使用手持电话的禁令。
33. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的taking care of the 70,000 cards posted each year可知。
34. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的One reason for the increase in applications ... was the airing ofthe documentary Penguin Post Office可知,纪录片的播放是申请者增多的原因之一。
35. D。推理判断题。由第五段末的Above all, successful candidates need to be passionate about theAntarctic可推断,这项工作最重要的条件是申请者要对南极有强烈的热爱。
36. A。A项与上文的Got anitch?相呼应,并且下文的Scratchingan itch can make it worse与A项是因果关系。
37. C。C项与上文的causes amild sensation of pain及下文的Yet pain signals that travel to your brain relieve the itching onlytemporarily相呼应。
38. D。根据第一段末的serotonin, which makes the itching more intense及此空前的serotonin ... moving frompain-sensing nerve cells to those that influence itch intensity可推断,挠痒痒的结果是使血清素从有痛感的神经细胞转移到影响痒的强度的神经细胞,从而使人感觉更痒。故D项正确。
39. E。E项与下文的Notexactly, says Chen. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. It is involved in growth,aging, and mood regulation. Blocking serotonin would ... 相呼应。
40. B。B项与上文的Theresearchers are looking for other ways to break the cycle so they can helppeople with itchy conditions. One possibility ... 相呼应。
41. A。由上文的rescued a German shepherd可推断,此处是说Ague扛着一只“狗(dog)”。
42. C。由下文的Amazing people still do exist可推断,Ague救狗的照片获得了很多“赞赏的(admiring)”评论。
43. C。由上文的posted to Facebook可推断,该评论是脸谱网的一位使用者“写(wrote)”的。
44. D。由下文的involved in the crash可知,附近发生了一起交通“事故(accident)”。
45. D。事故中的两只狗从“现场(scene)”逃走了。
46. B。由倒数第五段中的She ran two miles from the crash可知,有人看到一只德国牧羊犬在“跑(running)”。
47. A。从当时的位置来看,巡警可以“确定(tell)”狗朝西跑了。
48. B。由第一段中的patrol officer可知,Ague的同事也是“警察(officers)”。
49. C。巡警们让狗停下来,“但是(but)”每次巡逻车一停下狗就跑开了。
50. A。由下文的Mya ... stopped running及倒数第三段末的to her owner's car可推断,巡警们给狗的“主人(owner)”打了电话。
51. C。主人到了以后,狗“终于(finally)”不跑了。
52. D。由上文的the dog wouldn't move at all可推断,Ague意识到狗“有毛病了(wrong)”。
53. C。由下文的the skin on her feet was hanging off可推断,狗的脚受伤了,不“能(could)”动了。
54. B。“由于(due to)”狗跑得太远,结果脚受伤了。
55. D。意识到狗不能动后,Ague想到的“唯一(only)”能做的事就是把狗扛起来。
56. A。由上文的pick her up可知。
57. B。由第二段中的Nick Ague carrying the ... 可知。
58. A。由上文的Mya's feet were already healed可推断,现在狗可以“正常地(normally)”走动了。
59. D。由Ague救狗的事例可以推断他是一个狂热的动物“爱好者(lover)”。
60. C。事故之后,Ague一心只想着“救(saving)”狗。
61. amazing。考查形容词。设空处作表语,意为“令人惊异的”,故填amazing。
62. where。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词setting,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
63. At。考查介词。at present是固定搭配,意为“目前,现在”。
64. are decorated。考查时态和语态。teahouses与decorate之间是被动关系,且由at present可知,此处用一般现在时,故填are decorated。
65. performance。考查名词。由设空处前面的不定冠词可知,此处应填名词performance。
66. what。考查连接词。设空处引导主语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填what。
67. speaking。考查非谓语动词。generally speaking意为“一般来说”。
68. totally。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词different,故填副词totally。
69. a。考查冠词。as a matter of fact是固定搭配, 意为“事实上”。
70. to talk。考查非谓语动词。此处用不定式短语表示目的。


I. 1-5 ACDAC
11-15 BCDCA 16-20 CCBDA
1. A。推理判断题。由第一段中的forgetting to clean several bacteria-filled dishes he had left by awindow ... mold growing in one of the dishes seemed to have destroyed thebacteria可推断,青霉素的发现纯属意外。
2. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的Fleming's discovery changed medicine forever及Antibiotics were called “the wonder drug.”可推断,青霉素的发明是医学上的一大突破。
3. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的he explained that some of the bugs in his lab were already resistantto penicillin. Use antibiotics cautiously, he warned可知,Fleming领奖时表达了他对抗生素使用的担忧。
4. A。推理判断题。由第五段中的half of all antibiotics go to people who don't need them及第六段末的About 80 percent of antibioticsin the U.S. go to farm animals, not people可推断,抗生素被滥用了。
5. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的When you're teaching someone how to box, if you don't knock him out,he will become a stronger, smarter boxer及The same thing happens with bacteria可推断,拳击时如果不把对方打倒,对方就会变得更强大;同样地,如果抗生素不能杀死细菌,细菌的抗药性就会变得更强。
1. D。由本段末的the average suitable amount of sleep across the wholepopulation is actually closer to seven hours可推断,每晚睡八个小时的说法并不完全“正确(true)”。
2. A。由上文的a solid eight hours of sleep可推断,此处是指“睡眠(sleep)”的时间。
3. A。平均而言,人们合理的睡眠时间接近“每晚(nightly)”七个小时。
4. C。适量的睡眠“可以使(allows)”一个人醒来时精神焕发。
5. B。由下文的or other stimulants可推断,此处是指一种能让人兴奋的东西。故选coffee。
6. A。由下文的and found that those individuals who were asleep ... 可推断,这项研究“分析了(analyzed)”一些关于睡眠的记录。
7. B。由第一段末的According to a wide variety of studies, the average suitable amountof sleep across the whole population is actually closer to seven hours可推断,每晚睡七个小时的人比每晚睡八个小时及以上的人长寿。故选lived。
8. C。上文强调合理的睡眠时间对健康的影响,而下文则是另一种截然相反的观点,即强调健康状况影响个体的睡眠时间。故选However。
9. C。由下文的study subjects' poor health可推断,此处应是说长时间的睡眠可能是“健康(health)”状况欠佳的标志。
10. D。由上文的Long sleep may be a marker of poor ... In other words可推断,身体不适可能是引起过度睡眠的原因。故选causing。
11. B。睡九个小时及以上和睡五个小时及以下对人体一样“有害(harmful)”。
12. C。13. D。由第一段中的theamount of ... you need is totally unique to you及最后一段中的the correct amount of sleep for you可推断,很“重要的(important)”一点是我们要注意到没有一项研究会告诉一个人他“自己(personally)”需要多长时间的睡眠。
14. C。由下文可知,Dr. Watson建议通过即将到来的假期“算出(figure out)”自己需要的睡眠时间。
15. A。Dr. Watson建议人们假期里“尝试(Try)”每晚在同一时间睡觉。
16. C。由下文的unlimited sleeping in可推断,Dr. Watson建议人们在“没有(without)”闹钟的情况下自然醒来。
17. C。采用Dr. Watson的方法,你应该就能知道自己“理想的(ideal)”睡眠时间。
18. B。由下文的The first few nights you may sleep eight to nine hours ... from theweek可推断,这种计算睡眠时间的方法在“周末(weekend)”不一定有效。
19. D。“如果(if)”你经历了很疲倦的一周,那么最初的几个晚上你可能会睡八到九个小时。
20. A。由下文的or sleep deprived可推断,此处是说非常“疲倦的(tired)”。