

I love my mother very much
Because she loves me
she also cooks for me
I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world
第1个回答  2021-12-29
*复数时用These are **. 单数时用This is**。
下面是一片介绍自己喜欢的人的短文: There will always be a person or a pet that one likes and adores. My favorite person in my life is the woman closest to me, my mother. A reason why my mother is my favorite person is because she is very caring. She always assists me when I am having difficulty with something. For instance, when I am stressed with an assignment, she is always the first one to help me out. Also, when I am sad she is the first one I go to because she is someone I can trust and rely on. Another reason is that she always amazes me and makes me happy when I am sad or irritated. For example, when I get a bad mark in a test, she always finds ways to help me. I think she is at all times the person that amuses and entertains me when I get discouraged or feeling in a bad mood. The final reason why she is my favorite person is because she understands me when I am doing something that others disagree with. An example is when I wanted to have a computer, but my father thought there was no need for it. (((add what your mom thought here))) This is why I think she is a very understanding person. Therefore, my mother will always be my favorite person because she is the most dependable person to talk with. 仅供参考