
拍摄第一部星战时,因篇幅和资金等问题导演卢卡斯不得不把一部剧本分成三部电影,如此在1977年5月25日首先上映了第一部“新希望”。三年之后上映的“帝国反击战”也是影迷们众口一致认为拍得最好的一部,但此时卢卡斯已不再担任导演一职,而推任制片(据他本人说,他后来发现当制片竟然比当导演还要艰苦)。最后一集“绝地大反攻”曾一度命名为“绝地复仇”(revenge of the Jedi),直至上映前不久才更名为众所周知的“Return of the Jedi”。至此,星战三部曲似乎已经完美结束了,但在1999年卢卡斯出人意料的上映了星战系列的前奏曲——前传1幽灵的威胁,而这其实是在卢卡斯几年前就已准备好了的。前传1上映后尽管得到的评价是褒贬不一,但在25周年之际上映的星战2——克隆人的进攻则逐渐开始平息了那些个别反对者的士气,“西斯的复仇”的上映最终射让每个人都刮目相看,它没有辜负任何人的期望。就此,星战六部电影真正的、圆满的画上了一个句号。

It is nearly 30 years beyond the classic science fiction epic, the film surface affect the generations.Star shooting first wartime, space and funding issues director Lucas had to be divided into three films, a screenplay,in the case on May 25, 1977 the first exhibition of the first "new hope."Three years after the release of "Empire counterattack" is the best film buffs have agreed that a chorus.Lucas, but this time the post was no longer a director, producer and push as (according to him, I said,Later, he discovered when the studio has also difficult than directing).Finally a set of "absolute large counterattack", once known as the "no means to Revenge" (revenge of the Jedi).renamed known until shortly before the screening of "Return of the Jedi."Thus, it seems a perfect end of the Star Wars trilogy.But in a 1999 exhibition of Lucas's Star Wars series of unexpected Prelude -- before and one phantom threatThis is in fact prepared by the Lucas years ago.Despite the one shown before and after the evaluation of mixed feelings.However, in the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the release of Star Wars 2-cloning attack gradually began to calm down the morale of those individual votes."Heath's Revenge" launched in the final exhibition has drawn attention from everyone, it did not live up to anyone's expectations.In this connection, the real Star Wars six films, there was a satisfactory conclusion.It is full of dreams and fantasy epic, but Lucas has been a profound humanity in the dark inside.It achieved a one star -- created a good film star, and a second-rate film stars will need the backing.It depicts the story of the characters are not simple, but it has the most attractive element.Today, all over the world, old and young fans of Star Wars Baimoqianwan months.it is also developing a variety of related merchandise tricks complete, and all over the world can see the shadow of Star Wars.its influence is omnipresent.You can feel the impact, it brings you dream of unlimited!!!