

computer n.电脑; 短语:1.digital computer 数字计算机concert n.音乐会;和谐condition n. 前提;状态 短语:1.be in good / poor condition 处于好的/坏的状况conference n.协商;会议connect v.连接;联想consider v.考虑;细看 短语:1.consider doing 考虑做。。。。context n. 语境;场合continue v. 坚持不懈;待续 短语:1.continue doing 继续做。。。contract n. 合同;缩小control v.指挥;控制;管理 短语:1.be in control 管理,支配 2.be out of control失控conversation n. 会话 ;会谈cook v. & n. 烹调;做;篡改cooker n. 厨具;蒸煮用具;锅cool adj. 凉的;凉快的;copy n. & v. 复制品;副本;拷贝;复印;印刷; copyright版权corner n. 角儿;屋角correct v. & adj. 正确的;改正cost v. 耗费;使付出;价格 短语:1.at all costs不惜任何代价cotton n. & adj. 棉花;棉株cough 咳嗽;吐露短语:1.have a bad cough 咳得很厉害could modal v. 有可能count v.计数;数数 短语:1.count down倒计时country n国土;乡村countryside n.农村地区;农村couple n. 两个;一对courage n.勇气;无畏course n.行进;路线cousin n.堂兄弟;表兄弟cover n. & v.保护;铺盖 短语:1.cover…. with…. 用…覆盖…cow n.奶牛;母牛;婆娘crayon n.彩色粉笔;绘画铅笔crazy adj.发疯的;着迷的create v.引起;创造 词型转换:creation创造,发生cross v. & n. 十字架;十字形cruel adj. 残酷的;严厉的cry n. & v. 呼喊;哭泣 ;诉说culture n. 文化;文明cup n.杯子;杯形物cut (cut, cut) v. & n. 切;砍; 短语:1. cut down 砍倒;2. cut up 砍碎Ddad (daddy) n. 爸爸;daily adj. adv. & n. 每日的;经常 短语:1.daily life日常生活dance v. & n.跳舞;雀跃 短语:1.dance music舞曲danger n. 危险物;危险;短语: 1. in danger 在……危险之中。e.g.The building is in danger of collapse (倒塌)。这楼房要塌了、2. out of danger 脱离危险。e.g. After the treatment, he is now out of danger. 经过治疗,他已经脱离危险了。dangerous adj. 危险的;引起危险的dare v. & aux. 敢;竟敢dark adj. & n. 暗的;黑暗的 短语:1.before / after dark 天黑之前/之后date n. 日期;年份;短语:1.date from / back to 追溯到(某一时间): e.g. The Great Wall dates back to Qin Dynasty. 长城的历史可以追溯到秦朝。daughter n. 女儿;女性后裔 granddaughter孙女day n. 白昼;日光;1. day by day 一天天地,逐日:e.g. Spring is coming and the weather gets warmer day by day.春天来了,天气一天天边暖了。2. one day (过去或将来的)某一天:e.g. You will regret one day if you don’t work hard.如果不努力的话,总有一天你回后悔的。3. the other day 在不久前,某天;e.g. He can’t be abroad, I met him on the street the other day. 他不可能出国了,我不久前在街上还碰到过他。4. the day before yesterday 前天 5. the day after tomorrow 后天6. these days 如今 7. day off 休息日dead adj. 死亡的;麻木的 短语:1.be dead 死了(持续性词组)deaf adj. 聋的; 短语:1.deaf-aid助听器deal v. 处理;交往;对待;短语:1. deal with 对付,处理。e.g.How will you deal with problem?2. a great deal of 大量。 e.g.I have a great deal work to do. 我有大量的工作要做。dear adj.心爱的;十分敬重的death n 死亡;结术December n.十二月decide v.决定;下决心 短语:1.decide on 决定decision n. 决定;判决 短语:1.make a decision 作出决定deep adj. & adv.深的;有……深的degree n. 程度;等级;度数delicious adj.美味的;芬芳的dentist n. 牙科医生;牙科学发 ;e.g. There is something wrong with my son’s teeth.He needs to see the dentist.depend v. 取决于;依赖 短语:1.depend on 取决于describe v. 描述;断言desk n. 书桌;办公桌 短语:1.at desk在学习develop v. 使发展;培育;生长;发育; 词型转换:developing发展中的 developed发达的development n. 开发;发展;e.g. The development of the medicine industry will take several years. 医药工业的发展要经过几年的时间。dialogue n.对话;对白diary n. 日记;日记薄 短语:1.keep a diary记日记dictionary n. 字典;辞书 短语:1.look up …in the dictionary 在字典里查阅。。。。。die v. 枯死 ;结束difference n. 差异;不同程度 短语:1.make a difference between 区别对待different adj.不同的;不一致的 短语:1.be different from 不一样difficult adj. 困难的;复杂的;艰难的;近义词辨析:difficult / harddifficult 和 hard 都有“困难的”意思,区别是diffficult侧重于智力上的难题,hard 侧重体力上的难题。e.g. It is hard for me to climb up the hill alone.独自一人爬上那座山对我来说太难了。