by the side of, on the side of, on the other side of的区别


首先我们来看下by the side of、on the side of和to the side of的大致意思:

by the side of:词性为短语,

on the side of:词性为短语,

to the side of:词性为短语,

通过下面的表格我们了解下by the side of、on the side of和to the side of的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下by the side of、on the side of和to the side of的用法区别:



- He stood by the side of the tree.


- I am on his side.


- Move the chair to the side of the table.


2.词性差异:其中,“by the side of”和“to the side of”是介词短语,而“on the side of”是介词短语与名词的组合。


- She leaned by the side of the wall.


- We stood on the side of the mountain.


3.位置指示:“by the side of”和“to the side of”表示在某物或某人的旁边,强调的是位置;而“on the side of”表示支持某个立场或站在某一方。


- She sat by the side of me.


- He stood on the side of the defendant.


4.语气差异:“on the side of”表示明确的支持或站在某个立场上,语气较强烈;而“by the side of”和“to the side of”则较为中性,仅表示位置或移动。


- I am on your side.


- He leaned by the side of his mother.

