children these days depend on their parents too much是什么意思


children these days depend on
their pa...的中文翻译

children these days depend on their parents too

第1个回答  2016-02-24
Children these days depend on their parents too much.现如今的孩子们太依赖他们的父母。
these days这些天;目前
depend on取决于;依赖;依靠
1) (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) toneed help or support from somebody/something in order to live or to manage in aparticular situation需要,依靠(提供资金、帮助等)
synonym同义词rely on/upon somebody/something (for something)
He depends on medication to stay alive.他靠药物维持生命。
I don't want to depend too much on myparents.我不想过度依赖父母。
The organization depended heavily onvoluntary help.这个机构十分依赖志愿者帮助。
depend on/upon somebody/something for something
He depends on his pen for a living.他靠写作为生。 We can depend on himfor help.我们可以指望他帮忙。
She depends on her husband for money.她在经济上依靠丈夫。
All living things depend on the sun fortheir growth.万物生长靠太阳。
She came to depend on her daughter forsupport.她最终依赖女儿供养。
We depend on the newspapers for daily news.我们靠报纸得到每天的消息。
The community depends on the shippingindustry for its survival.这个地区靠航运业维持生活。
2) (not used in the progressive tenses一般不用于进行时)tobe affected by or decided by somebody/something受…的影响;由…决定;取决于
This may be a welcome change or not,depending on your point of view.这个变化是否受欢迎取决于你的观点。
I don't know if I'll come or not. It alldepends on how tired I feel this evening.我不知道能不能来。这全得看我今晚有多累。
that depends/it (all) depends:used to say that you are not certain about something because other things haveto be considered
That depends on what he will do next.这要看他下一步干什么。
That depends entirely upon your efforts.那完全取决于你的努力。
This depends on whether the medicine iseffective.这得看这药是否有效。
I might not go. It depends how tired I am.我不一定去,这要看我累不累。
That depends on how you tackle the problem.那取决于你如何处理这个问题。
I don't know if we can help—it all depends.我不知道我们能不能帮上忙,一切视情况而定。
'Is he coming?' 'That depends. He may nothave the time.'“他来不?”“得看情况,他不一定有时间。”
I shouldn't be too late. But it depends ifthe traffic's bad.我应该不会太晚,不过这取决于交通是否拥挤了。
'Your job sounds fun.' 'It depends what youmean by 'fun'.'“你的工作听起来很好玩。”“这要看你这好玩是什么意思了。”
it depends who/what/how/whether etc.
You may take several months to reach your targetweight - it depends how much you want to lose.要达到目标体重要几个月的时间,那取决于你想减掉多少体重。
depend on how/what/whether etc.
Choosing the right bike depends on what youwant to use it for.根据你的用途来选合适的自行车。
In informal English it is quite common tosay dependrather than depend on before words like what, how, or whether.非正式英语中,what,how或whether等词之前颇常用depend而非depend on. it指代后面的整个句子,即主语从句。
It depends how tired I feel.这得看我有多累。 Thatdepends where you live.要看你住在哪里。
It all depends what happens.这全要视情况而定。 It depends who you're speakingto.这要看你在和谁说话。
It depends what move you made.那要看你采取什么行动了。
It all depends how you tackle the problem.全看你怎样处理这个问题了。
It depends who will be the first to arrivethere.要看是谁第一个到达那里。
3) to rely on somebody/something; to be able to trust somebody依靠;信赖
synonym同义词count on/upon somebody/something; rely on/upon somebody/something
In this meaning depend on/upon somebody/somethingcan be used in the passive.作此义时可用于被动语态。
We need someone who can be depended on.我们需要一个可以信赖的人。
depend on/upon somebody/something to do something
You can't depend on others to help you.你不能指望别人来帮助你。
We are depending on you to finish the job.我们指望你来完成这项工作。
I'm depending on you to tell me everything.我指望你能告诉我所有的情况。
He knew he could depend upon her to dealwith the situation.他知道可以依赖她来应付该局面。
I hope you'll be able to come—I'mdepending on you to help me.我希望你能来─我指望着你帮忙呢。
dependon/upon somebody/something doing something
We're depending on him finishing the job byFriday.我们指望他星期五前完成这项工作。
4) (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to besure that something will happen确信;相信;指望
synonym同义词count on/upon somebody/something; rely on/upon somebody/something
In this meaning depend on/upon somebody/somethingcan be used in the passive.作此义时可用于被动语态。
dependon/upon it常用于祈使句,it指代它前面或后面的那句话。
I'll be there, depend on it! 我会在那儿的,请放心!
Depend on it, our team will certainly win.没问题,我们队肯定会取胜。
Depend upon it (= you can be sure) we won'tgive up.请放心,我们不会屈服的。
Our work will be finished this month,depend upon it.我们的工作一定可以在这月完成。
The strike will ruin the country, depend onit.我敢说,这次罢工将使国家遭受严重损失。
dependon/upon it that(it指代that后面的整句话)
You may depend on it that it won't happenagain.你要相信那样的事不会再发生了。
You may depend upon it that the newspaperaccounts are exaggerated.报纸上的报道是夸大其词的,这一点你相信好了。
depend on/upon somebody/something to do something依靠某人/某物干某事
You can depend on my sister to spoilthings. (=she always does).我妹妹保准把事情弄糟。
depend on/upon somebody/something doing something依靠某人/某物干某事
You can depend on his coming in on Sunday.他星期天准保来。
Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday? 你星期天准保来吗?
dependon somebody/something; rely on somebody/something; believe in somebody; counton somebody/something
These words all mean to believe thatsomebody/something will do what you hope or expect of them or that what theytell you is correct or true.这几个词都有“相信某人/某物做你希望做的事情或给你讲的是正确的”的意思。
trust to believe that somebody is good, honest, sincere, etc. and thatthey will do what you expect of them or do the right thing; to believe thatsomething is true or correct相信某人是好的、诚实的、真诚的等并且做你希望他们做的或做正确的事情;相信某物是正确的
You can trust me not to tell anyone.你可以相信我不会告诉任何人。
Don't trust what you read in thenewspapers! 报纸上看到的别信!
depend on/upon somebody/something (often used with can/cannot/could/could not) to trustsomebody/something to do what you expect or want, to do the right thing, or tobe true or correct(常跟can/cannot/could/could not等连用)相信某人/某物做你希望或想要的,做正确的事情,或是正确的
He was the sort of person you could dependon.他是那种你值得信赖的人。
Can you depend on her version of whathappened? 你相信她说的事情吗?