

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation as the region's most important international economic organizations, must adapt to new situations, adhere to narrow the gap through economic cooperation and realize common prosperity of the purpose of co-operation in time to adjust focus and better meet the majority needs of the developing members. 当前,坚持以尊重差别、自主自愿、协商一致为主要内容的“亚太经合组织方式”,比以往任何时候都更加重要。 At present, insist on respect for differences, independent and voluntary, consensus as the main content of the "APEC approach", more than ever more important. 亚太经合组织应坚持通过这种方式为促进本地区的稳定和繁荣做出自己的贡献。 APEC should stick to this way to promote stability and prosperity in the region to make their own contribution.
促进成员间的经济技术合作,是亚太经合组织的一项重要任务,也是促进共同发展的基本途径。 Promote economic and technical cooperation among members, APEC is an important task, but also the basic way to promote common development. 当今世界,科技进步日新月异,知识经济正在兴起,只有加大发展高新技术的力度,加快经济结构调整,才能促使各成员的经济长期稳定发展。 Today's world, technological advances, knowledge-based economy is on the rise, only to increase the intensity of the development of high technology, speed up economic restructuring, to encourage members of the economic long-term stability and development. 我们高兴地看到,在东道主马来西亚的主持下,亚太经合组织今年制定了《走向21世纪的科技产业合作议程》和《技能开发行动计划》。 We are pleased to see that in the host Malaysia, under the auspices of APEC this year is the "21st Century Agenda for Science and Technology Industry Cooperation" and "Skills Development Action Plan." 这是各成员进一步加强经济技术合作的重大步骤。 This is the members to further strengthen economic and technical cooperation, a major step. 为表示对实施这两个文件的重视和支持,中国政府专门拨款1000万美元,设立“中国亚太经合组织科技产业合作基金”用于资助中国同其他成员在科技产业等领域的合作,并提出、了一系列合作项目的建议。 To show the implementation of these two documents the attention and support, the Chinese government earmarked 10 million U.S. dollars, set up "China APEC Science and Technology Industry Cooperation Fund" for the financing of China and other members of the technology industry and other fields, and suggested that the the recommendations of a series of cooperation projects. 为促进企业参与亚太经合组织活动,中国还成立了“亚太经合组织中国企业联席会议”。 To promote the enterprises to participate in APEC activities, China has also set up a "joint meeting of APEC China Enterprises."
促进贸易投资自由化,是亚太经合组织的另一项重要任务。 Promote trade and investment liberalization is another important task of APEC. 在全体成员共同努力下,这方面已取得积极的进展,还将继续前进。 In the joint efforts of all members of this positive progress has been made, will continue to advance. 在当前形势下,应注重既积极又稳妥的方针,在自主自愿、灵活务实的基础上,允许各成员以适合自己情况的速度和方式,按照两个时间表,为实现贸易投资自由化的目标进行努力。 In the current situation, should focus on both positive and prudent approach, in voluntarism, a flexible and pragmatic basis, allowing members to suit their own pace and manner of the situation, according to two of the timetable for achieving the objectives of trade and investment liberalization efforts.
亚太地区一些国家和地区目前遇到的困难时暂时的。 Asia-Pacific countries and regions currently experiencing temporary difficulties. 我认为,亚太地区的经济活力和发展潜力是巨大的。 I believe that the Asia-Pacific region's economic vitality and development potential is enormous. 只要大家共同努力,加强合作,克服困难,亚太地区经济社会发展的前景是广阔的光明的。 As long as we work together to strengthen cooperation, overcome difficulties, economic and social development in the Asia-Pacific region is a broad bright prospect.
第1个回答  2010-06-12
As the most important international economic organization, APEC should be in accordance with the new conditions and through insisting on narrowing the gap and achieve common prosperity, adjusting the core of cooperation. Finally, to meet the needs of developing contries who are the majority memebers. Currently, it is of more paramount importance than ever before to emphasize the APEC style, which embraces respect the distinction, willingness, concensus. APEC should make contributions to promoting local stablity and prosiperity by maintaining such approaches.
It is a significant mission of APEC as well as a basic approach for advancing common development, to promote the cooperation in economy and techniques among its members. In this age, science and technique upgrade repidly, the knowledge economy is emerging. Only by enhancing high-tech, reforming the economic structure can all members’ economy develop stable in the long run. We are delighted to see that on the host of Malaysia, APEC has drawn up Science and Technology Cooperation Agenda For Marching Toward 21 Century, and Plans for Skills Exploration. It is precisely a significant step for members strengthening cooperation furthur. China has attached great importance and support to the implementation of these two documents. Chinese government allocates 10 million dollars to set up the China’s Cooperation Fund for APEC Science& Techniques industries, which will be used to provide financial aid for the cooperation between China and other members in scientific and technological fields. Moreover, it puts up with a series of suggestions on cooperation projects. China also establishes China’s enterprises’ Joint Conference of APEC(这个亚太经合组织中国企业联系会议我不知道怎么翻译,你再确认下).
It is another important task for APEC to promote trade and invest liberalization, which has made and will still make effective progress under the efforts of every member. Under such situation, it is necessary to pay attention to positive and reliable principles.On the basis of willingness, flexibility and reality, every member is allowed to strive for trade liberalization according to the two schedule and its own speed and methods .
The problems, came across by certain areas and countries in Asian and Pacific regions, are temporary. In my opinion, the potential economic propect and vitality is enormous. As long as we make joint efforts, reinforce cooperation and overcome difficulites, the economy and society in Asian and Pacific regions will have a bright and broad outlook.