
1、 门将的定位
2、 一个优秀门将所要具备的素质
3、 门将的失误
A. 其他位置的队员都可以失误,如前锋的射门,中场的传球,后卫的盯人,但门将只要犯错,90%造成失球,所以门将的失误将会被无限的放大。
B. 门将的成功与失败只在一线之间,点球扑出去了,是英雄,失误脱手了,就成了罪人。就会面对最严重的舆论批评。所以,大家要理解门将在造成失误后的自责与无助,体会那份静静的把球从网中检出来时的无奈与茫然。
4、 从门将到做人
A、 尽力而为。尽管会被对方的优秀前锋耍得狼狈不堪,只要能保护球门的安全,他都将微笑面对。对某些射门也会显得鞭长莫及,但是,只要是一个合格的门将,都会尽力飞身扑球,都会奋不顾身地尽自己的全部力量去挽救。
B、 责任。每一个门将都有一个神圣的职责,那就是不顾一切的维护身后球门的安全。比赛前门将都会轻抚门柱,他要告诉她,我的心永远和你在一起。一个门将不会在乎他身旁的其他人和事,他的心中,永远只有保卫球门的念头。保护球门是他的责任,为了这份责任,值得他不顾一切,奋战到底。而身后的球门也是他的依赖所在,离开了球门,他就再也不是门将,一切光彩与荣耀将失去意义,他也再找不到真正的自我。
C、 愈挫愈勇,尽管会遇到一次又一次的失败,会一次又一次的跌倒,可能被灌很多球。但是,他都会默默的从网中将球检出,准备迎接下一波进攻的到来。这要球门还在,只要比赛没有终结,门将都会一直站在门前,张开他的双臂,保护自己身后的球门,保护这个生命中最重要的,也是珍贵的东西。不管前景如何,不管结果怎样,门将都会坚持下去,战斗下去。

Keeper of the story

1 goalkeeper position

Goalkeeper is the most by the team after the formation of a location is a location away from the nearest goal.

Closed is the keeper of the site, where you can hand to catch the ball goalkeeper

2, a good goalkeeper with the quality to be

Judge, directing defense, determination, nerve index, reaction, one to one, block transfer, the big toe kick-off, Shoupao Qiu, net smash direction. . . . . . Stability and the judge. . Like Yin Cup in China, I have committed a fatal mistake, to judge the ball's impact point errors, leading the team lose the ball early, but did not lose the ball in time to readjust after, leading second goal saves less than the end, the team lost the game. I lack is a good goalkeeper to be with the good sense and psychological stability.

3, goalkeeper mistakes

A. Other position players can be mistakes, such as the striker's shot, midfield pass, defender of the marking, but the goalkeeper just wrong, causing losses of 90%, the goalkeeper's mistake will be magnified infinitely.

B. goalkeeper's success or failure only in the line between the saved went to penalties, is a hero, get rid of the error, it becomes a sinner. Will face the most severe public criticism. Therefore, we have to understand the errors caused goalkeeper in self-blame and helplessness after the experience the share of quietly seized the ball from the net when out of frustration and loss.

4, from the goalkeeper to life

A, do our best. Although the striker will be playing each other too find any good, as long as the goal to protect the security, he will be smiling. Would seem beyond the reach of some shooting, but, as long as a qualified goalkeeper, will try flying net smash, would risk to do their full power to save.

B, responsibility. Each goalkeeper has a sacred duty, that is desperate to maintain the security behind the goal. Goalkeeper before the game will be stroking the post and he told her, my heart is always with you. A goalkeeper does not care about other people and things beside him, his heart, always only thought of defending the goal. Goal was his responsibility to protect, to the responsibility, worthy of his desperate, fighting in the end. The goal behind is his reliance on the host, leaving the goal, he is no longer a goalkeeper, all glory and honor would be meaningless, he could not find the true self.

C, thrives, despite the failure of encounter time and time again, will fall again and again, may be filling a lot of balls. However, he will quiet the ball from the net detection, prepare for the arrival of the next wave of attack. This goal is still to be, as long as the game does not end, would have been standing in front of the goalkeeper, opens his arms to protect themselves behind the goal, to protect the life of the most important and precious things. Regardless of prospects, regardless of outcome, goalkeeper will stick, fight on.

Game of life continues. Sometimes, the goalkeeper can not guarantee the full play to the team win, this time, he needs to quietly wait for a person standing on one's own half, waiting for his teammates heard the good news of victory, he knew victory requires our common efforts to fight a person is not enough.

No matter how many setbacks and fall no matter how many times have to make up for the mistakes, one should take responsibility for, even if the ball was irrigated 5, 6 ball, 7 ball even more, experience more difficulties and setbacks, I will to my mind the goal, has been upheld, the fighting go on forever, because my name is called the goalkeeper!
第1个回答  2010-06-16
oh my god!so long a!