on the street与in the street的区别(求专业回答 )


on the street和in the street的区别:

1、in the street :指在这条街的区域范围内。
2、on the street:指在这条街的路面上。

on the street /in the street
1)专指「在户外」时就要用in the street . 如 It is dangerous to be in the street after dark . 醉卧街头时, 当流浪儿等当然是在户外,所以也是用in,而交通工具也是在户外走,所以也是用in。
2)当做在能力上「难以相比」时,也是用in,如in the same street .如: Her clothes are not in the same street as yours .
3)当指妓女在街上讨生活时,就要用 on the street .
5)广为人知时,也是用on,如: Sue put it on the street, and now everyone knows .
6)专指华尔街日报时,就要用on,如: I heard on the Street today that bank stocks are headed up.
7)指打折後的最低价,也是用on,如: It lists at $2200 and can be got for about $1600 on the street .
第1个回答  2018-12-02
on表示周围建筑不多,比较空旷,on the street。
in 表示被周围比较密集的建筑包裹,置身其中,所以用in the street。本回答被网友采纳