英语翻译 急啊!!

《第五交响曲》是贝多芬的交响曲中最富于哲理性和戏剧性的作品之一,早在1804年《第三交响曲》脱稿之际,贝多芬就 已构思创作了,只是他改变计划先完成了《第四交响曲》。1807年《第五交响曲》总谱出版。1808年12月22日在维也纳 皇家剧院由贝多芬指挥首次演出了第五、第六交响曲。
《第五交响曲》是《第三交响曲》之后又一部英雄性、史诗性的作品。贝多芬称第一乐章主题是“命运在敲门”,因此后 人称之为《命运交响曲》。“命运”这个主题是指当时令人窒息的德国封建社会,贝多芬揭示的“通过斗争,达到胜 利”,是指从黑暗到光明,从与苦难“命运”抗争和与封建势力博斗,上升为欢乐和胜利
《第五交响曲》是贝多芬艺术风格的代表作品,它的结构严谨、完整,手法简练、明快,发展紧凑、均衡,主题形象鲜 明、生动。作为一部英雄性交响曲来说,它的矛盾冲突、情绪对置及紧张的戏剧性,比以前的作品更集中、更统一、更尖锐。各乐章之间紧密的内在联系,使全曲情绪激昂,有强烈的艺术感染力。这种浑然一体的雄伟气魄,代表着贝多芬的艺 术风格。有人曾经说过:“贝多芬就是在这部交响曲中成为巨人的。”
第一乐章 热情的快板,2/4拍子、奏鸣曲式。
这一乐章展示了一幅斗争的场面,音乐象征着人民的力量如洪流般以排山倒海之势,向黑暗势力发起猛烈的冲击。乐曲一 开始出现的强有力的富有动力性的四个音,也就是贝多芬称为“命运”敲门声的音型,这就是主部主题。 这一主题是向前冲击的音乐形象,推动着乐曲不断发展,也在以后的各乐章中不断出现、发展。这一主题激昂有力,具有 一种勇往直前、不屈不挠的气势,展示了惊心动魄的斗争场面,表达了贝多芬内心充满愤慨和向封建势力挑战的坚强意志。
当各种乐器进行轮回模仿,相继掀起一次比一次紧张的浪潮之后,圆号奏出了一个命运动机的变体,它表达了一种必胜的 信心。
在这里,严峻的命运动机退居到低音声部并以伴随形式出现,使温柔的音乐里带有不安的色彩,推动音乐继续发展。乐曲 最后在明朗的气氛中,以果断、热烈的音响结束了呈示部。

<<Symphony No. 5 in C Minor>>

Beethoven's "Fifth Symphony" Symphony is the most rich philosophical and dramatic works.Back in 1804 the "Third Symphony," completed for the occasion, it has been Beethoven's creative idea.only changed his plans after the completion of the "Fourth Symphony".Published in 1807's "Fifth Symphony" score.December 22, 1808 in Vienna, the Royal Theater command from the first performances of Beethoven's Fifth and Sixth symphonies.
"Fifth Symphony" is another hero after the "Third Symphony", the epic works.Beethoven's theme of the first movement is called "fate" knock at the door, after people called "Destiny Symphony"."Fate" is the theme of feudal society was suffocating Germany, Beethoven revealed "through struggle,achieve victory "is from darkness to light, from suffering and" destiny "and feudal forces protest situations,up to the joy and victory.
Beethoven's "Fifth Symphony" is the art style of representative works, it's structured, integrity, concise approach, make sure that the development of compact,balanced image of a clear-cut theme, vivid.Symphony as a heroic nature, it conflicts and feelings of home and the dramatic tension.more focused than the previous entries, more unified, more intense.Closer ties between the inner part of the make whole song emotions, they have a strong artistic influence.This ambitious vision of a seamless, on behalf of Beethoven's art style.Someone once said : "This is Beethoven's Symphony become giants. "
"Fifth Symphony" is divided into four movements.
The first movement Allegro warm, 17/26 racket, Sonata Form.
The movement displayed a scene of the struggle, such as the current music as a symbol of people's power to the massive rise.to the forces of darkness launching fierce attacks.Music beginning of the four sounded strong and very dynamic.Beethoven is also known as the "fate" of the figure tense, which is the main theme of the Ministry.This theme is the impact of music forward image and promote continuous development of music, the movement is continually emerging in the future.development.Impassioned theme of this powerful, with a courage, indomitable stature, and the soul-stirring scene of the struggle.my heart is filled with anger and the expression of Beethoven's strong will to challenge the feudal forces.
When various instruments for life to imitate, have set off a wave of tension over time,Horn produced a variant of the fate of the motive, an expression of confidence in it.
This is a linking sentence, in front of tension from the authority of the music scene, led to a wealth of the second theme song,This is a lyrical melody, gently beautiful, in contrast to the uncertainties ahead with the pitch.It expresses a desire for a happy life and the pursuit of ideals.Here, retreated to the grim fate of motivation and bass voices to accompany form.so gentle music tinged with unease, continue to promote the development of music.The atmosphere of uncertainty in the final pieces to a decisive end of the presentation of the Ministry of warm sound.


第1个回答  2006-11-18
so difficult!!!
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