

  1. on the bus
  on the plane
  on the ship
  on the spacecraft
  in the car
  in the taxi
  2. fare同音词: fair (adj.) 公平的;中等的 unfair (adj.) 不公平的
  3. * public (adj.) the public 民众
  in public 在公开场合
  open to public 对公众开放
  1) Don’t smoke in public.
  2) The International Car Exhibition has already been open to public.
  3) When finished, the new museum will be open to public next year.
  * private (adj.) 私人的 in private 私底下
  1) Can I talk with you later in private?
  2) I hope there will be fewer private cars in the future.
  4. transport (n. & v.) 运输工具;运输
  transportation (n.) 运输;传送
  5. conductor 售票员;指挥
  visitor 拜访者
  inventor 发明家
  editor 编辑
  translator 翻译
  6. have to 肯定、否定、疑问
  1) 肯定:She has to arrive there on time.
  否定: She doesn’t have to arrive there on time.
  疑问: Does she have to arrive there on time?
  2) 肯定:I had to stay in bed yesterday.
  否定:I didn’t have to stay in bed yesterday.
  疑问:Did you have to stay in bed yesterday?
  3) 肯定:Jack will have to go there by bus tomorrow.
  否定:Jack won’t have to go there by bus tomorrow.
  疑问:Will Jack have to go there by bus tomorrow?
  7. * collect (v.)
  collect sth. from sb.
  * collection (n.) 收藏
  8. instead (adv.) 代替
  instead of sth. / doing sth.
  1) After she heard the sad news, She didn’t cry but laughed instead.
  2) Your father will go to the school meeting instead of me this evening.
  3) You should eat more healthy food instead of eating junk food all day.
  9. all of ; most of ; some of ; none of + the +可数名词复数/不可数名词
  1) Most of the teachers in our school are women, but some of them are men.
  2) Almost none of the students have failed in the exams.
  3) All of the children would like to spend their time (in) playing.
  10. woman driver (pl.) women drivers
  man nurse (pl.) men nurses
  11. What will … be like?
  How will … be ?
  12. Perhaps = Maybe (句首) possibly = probably(句中)
  1) Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.
  = Maybe there will be fewer traffic jams.
  2) She will possibly be a secretary in 10 years’ time.
  = She will probably be a secretary in 10 years’ time.
  13. There is going to be… = There will be…
  1) There is going to be a football match tomorrow.
  = There will be a football match tomorrow.
  2) There are going to be several concerts this coming weekend.
  = There will be several concerts this coming weekend.
  14. 特殊比较级:
  little–less + 不可数名词
  few - fewer + 可数名词复数
  much/many–more + 可数名词复数/不可数名词
  15. discuss sth. with sb.
  discussion (n.) have a discussion with sb.
  16. kind = type (n.) 种类
  all kinds of … 各种各样的…
  different kinds of… 不同种类的…
  be in different kinds 有不同种类
  be in the same kind 是同一种类
  1) There are all kinds of goods in the supermarket.
  2) All of these shoes are in the same kind.
  3) The sea animals are in different kinds.
  17. * cross (v.) 穿越
  * across (prep.) 横跨
  1) Don’t run across the street! It’s very dangerous.
  2) It’s safe to cross the road when the green light is on.
  * crossing (n.) 人行横道
  at the crossing 在十字路口
  zebra crossing 斑马线
  sea-crossing bridge 跨海大桥
  18. * show-showed-showed (v.)
  show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb.
  show sb. around… 带领某人参观…
  * show (n.)
  a flower show
  a magic show be on show = be on exhibition 在展出