

第1个回答  2022-11-10

You haven ' t even begun to see the street
我觉得你真得好好见识见识 街头文化

Popular culture and street culture
大众文化与 街头文化

There is a difference beeen my schoopng and the wisdom of the street corner
我受的学校教育和 街头文化 之间存在差别。

It ' s so street
真是彻头彻尾的 街头文化

In his film , pn uses elements from street culture , such as graffiti , hip - hop , and extreme sports
林育贤在片中结合 街头文化 的元素,例如涂鸦、嘻哈、极限运动等等。

That is right . in this next quote , diana explains how a street festival can help to preserve your culture and heritage
你说的没错。不过这种 街头文化 节就是一种传播文化的好方法。

Meanwhile , we create high non - mainstream sense and street culture and bravely lead new stream of consciousness
同时开辟高端的非主流意识和 街头文化 ,大胆开创和引领漫都新意识流。

J : that is right . in this next quote , diana explains how a street festival can help to preserve your culture and heritage
你说的没错。不过这种 街头文化 节就是一种传播文化的好方法。

That street culture is not only a symptom of a deeply dysfunctional society ; it also helps to perpetuate what it celebrates
街头文化 不单单是病态社会的症状,而且也使得那些它所宣扬的东西能够延续下去。

Hong kong is frequently described as a place where east meets west , a meeting reflected in its economic infrastructure , education and street culture
香港常被描绘为一个“东方遭遇西方”的城市,一个反映经济基础、教育与 街头文化 的集会。

This group collects outside / roadside chairs . we try to find out interesting street cultures around the world from this group . hope you enjoy
这个照片群组希望?集所有摆放在室外或路边的椅子,并从这些路边椅中,看看有趣的 街头文化 现象。欢迎加入

Bill co *** y , a black edian , was roundly denounced for “ blaming the victim ” when he said that there was something desperately wrong with black street culture
黑人喜剧演员比尔?考斯比曾经说道,黑人的 街头文化 中有些东西是极端错误的,结果他因为“怪罪受害者”而遭到了严厉的批评。

The 41st notting hill festival in west london ' s streets , a huge street party celebrating west indian culture , was entitled " unity and diversity " this year to celebrate london ' s multiculturap ***
今年第41届诺丁山狂欢节在伦敦西部的街道举行,这一 街头文化 艺术盛会旨在纪念和弘扬西印度文化。为了体现伦敦文化的多样性,本届诺丁山狂欢节的主题为“一致性与多样化” 。

The 41st notting hill festival in west london ' s streets , a huge street party celebrating west indian culture , was entitled " unity and diversity " this year to celebrate london ' s multiculturap ***
今年第41届诺丁山狂欢节在伦敦西部的街道举行,这一 街头文化 艺术盛会旨在纪念和弘扬西印度文化。为了体现伦敦文化的多样性,本届诺丁山狂欢节的主题为“一致性与多样化” 。
