





Good evening, everyone!
June is full of sunshine. June is full of flowers! June is full of songs! June is full of children's happiness! We share this holiday together here!
Look! Children's skirts are floating .Listen, can you hear the song
? Let's sing! let's dance! Let's release our beautiful wishes!
Children's day is celebrated only once a year! It is like a boat floating in the sea of time. It is like a butterfly flying over the butterfly spring of time. Happy time is passing by without our knowing it. The performace is over !Thanks for your coming ! Hoping to meet you next year!
第1个回答  2010-05-28
Good evening, everyone!
June is full of sunshine. June is full of flowers! June is full of songs! June is full of children's happiness! We share this holiday together here!
Look! Children's skirts are floating .Listen, can you hear the song
? Let's sing! let's dance! Let's release our beautiful wishes!
Children's day is celebrated only once a year! It is like a boat floating in the sea of time. It is like a butterfly flying over the butterfly spring of time. Happy time is passing by without our knowing it. The performace is over !Thanks for your coming ! Hoping to meet you next year!
第2个回答  2010-05-28
Good evening, everyone!
June is full of sunshine. June is full of flowers! June is full of songs! June is full of children's happiness! We share this holiday together here!
Look! Children's skirts are floating .Listen, can you hear the song
? Let's sing! let's dance! Let's release our beautiful wishes!
Children's day is celebrated only once a year! It is like a boat floating in the sea of time. It is like a butterfly flying over the butterfly spring of time. Happy time is passing by without our knowing it. The performace is over !Thanks for your coming ! Hoping to meet you next year!
最后最好加上:thank you
第3个回答  2010-05-29
先说句May I have your attention please?(我能有荣幸得到您的注意吗?)因为家长都到了嘛,所以客气点总没错的,你懂得)
Evening to you all! (Good evening, everyone!毫无新意可言)

June is full of sunshine. June is full of flowers! June is full of songs! June is full of children's happiness! We share this holiday together here!(这句简单点好了和上面的几位一样,当然也可以有趣点,不过我觉得没必要了)

Look! can you see Children's skirts are floating ?Listen, can you hear the song
? Let's sing! let's dance! Let's release our beautiful wishes!

Children's day is celebrated only once a year! It is like a boat floating in the sea of time. It is like a butterfly flying over the butterfly—spring of time. Happy time is passing by without our feeling. The performace is over !Thanks for your coming ! Hope to see you next year!