

Household items, also known as daily necessities, are everyday objects used by the general public. They are essential goods that encompass a range of items, including home supplies, food for domestic use, household utensils, and home appliances. Would you like to know how to express these items in English? Below is the English translation for household items, along with some related expressions and example sentences.
**Household Items in English:**
1. Commodity
- Pronunciation: [kəˈmɔditi] (US), [kəˈmɑdɪti] (UK)
**Related English Expressions:**
- Home Supplies Projects
- Useful Household Items
- Family Daily Necessities
- Daily Necessities Store
- Fix-it Shop
**Example Sentences:**
- "Many enterprises are involved in the production of daily necessities."
- "I'd say that's a pretty valuable commodity."
- "The nation's commodity markets maintain steady growth."
- "Handsets are becoming a commodity with shrinking margins."
- "I'm going shopping because I need to buy some daily necessities."
- "This store has various articles of everyday use you could wish for."
Remember, these terms and sentences are designed to convey the concept of daily necessities in English, preserving the original meaning while improving the quality and clarity of the language.