给英语老师的一封信英语作文 70字左右 含初中的各种时态


第1个回答  2010-05-10
To my English teacher from secondary college:
Dear Teacher
I was one of your students in secondary college. The purpose of this letter is that I want to say thank you.
Secondary College is one of the most important step we need to take in our education lives. And I’m glad that I had you as my English teacher. You had been so participate in class, and the things you taught me are very useful. You care about every students in your class, you never blame anyone, you said that you like my class, because everyone is clever.
Thank you. I shall remember you for the rest of my life!
From: Your student

第2个回答  2010-05-10
Dear Ms Smith,

You told me that you had left your ID card in our office last week and asked us to return it when we found it. Fortunately, one of my coleagues found it while he was cleaning the office. I have enclosed your ID card in the envolope along with this letter. Please do call us to confirm your receipt of the letter,one of our departments will need to write this into their record.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Jeff Gooding