

1、hurry up 使赶快,赶快做完例句You must hurry up,or you#39ll be late today快点吧,要不然你今天准会迟到例句与用法 You must hurry up,or you#39ll be late today快点吧,要不然你今天准会迟到21世纪大;hurry up是快点的意思举个例子,Hurry up, we aregoing to be late快点,我们要迟到了;hurry意思是仓促做某事 催促 朝某方向 迅速移动 迅速处理 匆忙,急忙例句1Claire hurried along the road克莱尔匆匆地沿路而行2Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by;hurry up 英 #39h#652rj#652p 美 #39h#652rj#652p释义adj 突击性的匆忙的紧急的双语例句Hurry up,or we will be late快点,否则我们就要迟到了。

2、hurry up 英#712h#652ri #652p 美#712h#602ri #652p快 使 赶紧例句Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath otherwise, they#39d miss their train 富兰克林告;hurry up 英#712h#652ri #652p 美#712h#602ri #652p释义 快 使 赶紧hurried up doing 匆忙的向上做 英文翻译中文,把意思搞懂,但是要翻译成中文常用的表达方式和顺序;意思是快点赶紧赶快,一般表示一个人很慢,一个人在催例句Hurry upIt#39s time to go to school快点该上学了近义词come快点加油;你好hurry up 英#712h#652ri #652p美#712h#602ri #652p词典快使赶紧例句Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bathotherwise,they#39d miss their train 富兰克林告诉;hurry up 读音英 #712h#652ri #652p 美 #712h#602ri #652p快使赶紧 例句1Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath otherwise, they#39d miss their train 富兰;hurry up 英文发音#712h#652ri #652p中文释义赶紧赶快使加快使提早 例句#39Come on, Grace,#39 he was urging her, #39don#39t wait, hurry up#39“快点啦,格雷丝,”他催促道,“别等了快点。
3、1赶快,急忙,后加with sth作口语译为快点!2hurry up a 匆忙的,突击性的应付紧急事故的3hurry v I迅速地或仓促地做某事或移动赶紧 T使某人迅速地或仓促地做某事或移动催某人T使;hurry up to do 表示赶快去做某事 表目的hurry有三种用法,做及物动词不及物动词和名词hurry做及物动词时常在hurry+sb to do sth的结构中出现hurry做不及物动词时的搭配是hurry to do sthhurry做名词是。
4、3 He was in a hurry to leave他急切地要离开4 He picked up his bag and hurried off along the platform他拿起提包急急忙忙地沿著站台走了5 Hurry up and get ready we#39re waiting!快点准备好--。