翻译些英语句子 中译英



1.I am going to tell you the scene and the dialogue between the teacher and student(s), after this, you should answer me the question, what kind of action and speaking makes the teacher know they smoke?
2. This student stick to much (ketchup) mindlessly, and using 2 fingers flip at once.
3. Since he speaks out a brand of cigarette ----- Chunghwa.
4. Because he act a gesture like flip cigarette’s ash skilfully.

第1个回答  2009-12-03
1、I tell you the scene of talking between the teacher and the student,and you tell me how the teacher know that these students have smoked.
2、B accidentally soiled so much that he flicked with his two fingers.
3、Because he spoke out the brand of the cigarette---Chunghwa.
4、Because he made a skillful gesture of flicking a cigarette.
第2个回答  2009-12-03
1.I am going to tell you the dialogue scene between the teacher and students,and you should tell me that what aspects make the teacher know they smoke?
2.This student stick to much,so using 2 fingers flip at once.
3.Because he speaks out a brand of cigarette ---Great China.
4.Because he act a gesture like flip cigarette’s ash skilfully.