

Appearance is not very important to a person

Appearance is very important to a person

1.Appearance is given by your parents. That is a point which people can never change. Therefore, having a good appearance means that you are very lucky instead of something you gained by your effort. Good appearance doesn't represent a good character. However, the good character of a person is truly the most important thing which need to be possessed by everyone instead of a good appearance.

2.Judging by appearance(以貌取人) is considered to be very rude and shallow today.


1.Having a good appearance is very important to a person's life because he or she may have a chance to become a actor or devoting themselves to some other careers which require a good image of a person. It may be easier for those people who have good appearance to represent their images in front of cameras.

2.A good-looking person may become more confident than the people who don't have good appearances.
第1个回答  2009-10-10
The appearance is very important.
第2个回答  2019-12-23