
1.Those who has finished the homework may leave the classroom now.
2.The boss whose department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.

我这可是经典复合从句的练习题哦!!!!看看吧1. Is this the reason ________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?
A. why he explained B. what he explained
C. he explained D. how he explained
2. __________, Lily couldn't get the door open
A. As she might try B. Try as she might
C. She might as try D. Might she as try
3. _________, she is always talking a lot about her boyfriend after class
A. He may be as a quite student B. As a quiet student he may be
C. Quiet as he may be a student D. Quite student as she may be
4. I can think of many cases________ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay
A. why B. which C. as D. where
5. There is much chance_______ Liu Xiang will recover from his injury in time for the race
A. that B. if C. which D. until
1. 先行词the reason的后面是定语从句,B,D不能引导定语从句,且引导词作explained的宾语,而why只能作定语从句中的原因状语。答案C(that作explained的宾语,被省略)
2. Lily 虽然拼命的想要把门打开,但还是不能把门打开。As(虽然,尽管)引导让步状语从句时,从句中有副词修饰动词,把副词放句首,其它不动;有形容词/名词在从句中作表语时,形容词/名词放句首(不要把be等系动词也放句首),(过去分词相当于形容词作表语时,也要放句首)名词放句首要省略冠词;从句中有助动词/情态动词,要把情态动词/助动词后的动词原形放在句首 答案B open可以作形容词表开着的状态,也可作动词打开。 How soon will the door be open(形容词作表语,表开着的) how soon will the concert be open/opened(开始的) close作形容词(接近,靠近) closely(亲密地) close作动词(关闭) closed作形容词表关着的状态
3. Quite 是副词,student是名词作表语,都要放句首(不要看到有情态动词may就把be—-系动词原形给放句首,在这里be是student作表语的标志,如果把be动词放句首,那么不就和只把表语放句首(只能把作表语的那个名词放句首,不能把be动词也带到句首去)发生矛盾了吗)。答案D
4. 学生们当然知道很多单词,表达式,但他们写不出一篇好文章来,像这样的例子(情况)我能想出好多。Case(情况,例子)作先行词时,由where来引导定语从句。 答案D
5. 刘翔为了赛跑伤愈复出是很可能的。Chance后面的从句就是说明chance(可能性)的具体内容,这时关系词引导的从句就是同位语从句。排除D 引导名词性从句的关系词都能引导同位语从句,但只有that只起连接的作用,不作任何成分,没有任何含义。If不做成分,表“是否”,which作主语,宾语,表语,定语,表“哪一个”答案A sth is that=there is sth that(多数情况下都是由that引导同位语从句)
第1个回答  2009-12-07
Those who have finished the homework may leave the classroom now.
The boss whose department that Ms king worked ten years ago look down upon women.
第2个回答  2009-12-07