

Sun fei:We have a lot of rules at my house.
Wu Yu:So do we.For example,i have to stay at home on school night.
Sun Fei:Iusually do,too.But sometimes i'mallowed to study at a friend's house.What about weekends?
Wu Yu:Well,i'm allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.
Sun Fei:Me,too,but i have to be home by pm.
Wu Yu:And on Saturday afternoona,i'm allowed to go shopping with my friends.
SunFei:That's nice.
Wu Yu:And i'm allowed to choose my own clothes,but i'm not allowed to yet.
我可以选择我自己的衣服但不能get my ears pirced
第1个回答  2009-11-05
Sun fei:We have a lot of rules at my house.

Wu Yu:So do we.For example,i have to stay at home on school night.

Sun Fei:Iusually do,too.But sometimes i'mallowed to study at a friend's house.What about weekends?

Wu Yu:Well,i'm allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.

Sun Fei:Me,too,but i have to be home by 10:00 pm.

Wu Yu:And on Saturday afternoona,i'm allowed to go shopping with my friends.

SunFei:That's nice.

Wu Yu:And i'm allowed to choose my own clothes,but i'm not allowed to get my ears pirced yet.

1Perter is going to.... (c) a.take the test
2.He isn't allowed to.... (e) b.pass the test
3.Peter wasn't allowed to.. (a) c.fail a math test
4.He could.... (b) d.take the test later
5.He should be allowed to...(d) e.get to class late

million 百万
medical 医学的
research 研究
tie 领带
worry 烦恼
what if 如果。。。将会怎么样
pimple 小脓包
energetic 有活力的
confident 自信的
permission 许可
herself 她自己
bother 使恼怒
not...in the slightest 一点也不
annoy 使生气
fairly 相当的
plenty 充足的
plenty of 很多的
get along with 与..相处
circle 圈子
listener 听者
knowledgeable 知识渊博的
represent 代表
let down 使失望或沮丧
come up with 提出
rest 其余
aid 帮助
first-aid 急救
nearby 附近的
shelf 架子
come out 出版
press 按
deep 深的
downstairs 在楼下
correct 对的
burn 烧伤
knee 膝
pain 疼
hert 受伤
offer 提供
refuse 拒绝
helpful 有帮助的
treat 对待
burn 火造成的伤痕
第2个回答  2009-11-05
Being a volunteer is great!
Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people:Li HuiPei and Zhu Ming.These three students all volunteer their time to help other people……
第3个回答  2009-11-05
第4个回答  2009-11-05