
一个好的朋友应该具备什么样的条件?什么样的人才是大家眼中的好朋友呢?八班的同学就此在全班做了一个调查,下面是调查的结果。请根据调查结果写一篇调查报告。要求:1.包含表格所提示内容并适当发表自己的看法。 2.语言流畅,条理清晰。3.不少于80词 63人 35人 性格开朗,有相同爱好,彼此关心,能共同分享 20人 学习努力,成绩优秀,能相互帮助 8人 长得好看,帅气,衣着时尚 你的观点 ?

Who can be our good friends? Today the students in class eight talked about the topic. 35 students in the class think good friends should be outgoing, helpful, care about each other and can share the feeling with others. And 20 students believe to be a good friend you should be hard-working and have good grades. Besides, you can help your friends when they are in trouble. The left 8 students think good friends should be good looking with fashion clothes.
In my opinion, good friends must be honest to each other. If you lose the trust of others, you can’t gain friendship. Besides, I agree with some other students that good friends should help each other. But I don’t think that friends should be good-looking. If you are kind enough to others, you can make good friends with others.

这篇文章里运用了几种表达观点的词汇,如think,believe,In my opinion在我看来,agree with同意,I don’t think不同意,这些不同词汇的使用使文章更加生动。另外,文章运用了一些连词,如and,besides, if, but等,使句子之间的关系更紧凑,条理更清楚。