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微米 埃 皮可米 飞米 测量单位
1. 10的乘方 3. 从镜头看世界 2. 由微观到宏观 4. 这是一次高速旅行,每次都以10倍的速度跳跃。5. 从10的0乘方开始(也就是1米), 然后按照10的乘方增加。直至宏观世界的无尽。6.
接下来让我们来到起点,以比较快的速度,先从起点往上走,然后再朝一个相反的方向,以10的乘方减少我们的旅行距离,直至一个神奇的微观世。7. 请仔细观察宇宙恒定不变的规律,也请想一想作为人类还有多少是需要我们学习的... 8. 旅途一路顺风!9. 花园里,从1米的距离看一束树叶 10. 将我们的视线向上移,我们看到的是一片植物 11. 在这个距离,我们看到了树林的边界以及给我们的教诲 12. 现在我们将从米进入到千米.. 现在有可能需要降落伞了... 13. 我们由此可以看到整个城市,但是我们已经看不清每栋房子了 14. 从这个高度,可以看到美国佛罗里达州 15. 这是人造卫星的视野 16. 北半球,和南美洲的部分 17. 此刻,地球看起来很小了 18. 地球和月亮的运行轨道,是白色的 19. 地球轨道的一部分,是蓝色的 20. 金星和地球的轨道 21. 水星、金星、地球和木星的轨道 22.从这个高度,我们能看到太阳系和行星运行的轨道 23. 太阳系看起来变得有点小了 24. 此刻,太阳看起来就是众多恒星中的一颗 25. 从1光年的距离看,太阳看起来很小了 26. 在这个无穷大的宇宙里,我们什么也看不到 27. “什么也没有” 看到的仅剩下恒星和星云 28. 从这个距离,我们开始在银河和银河系旅行了 29. 我们继续在银行系中遨游 30. 我们开始接触银河系的外围了 31. 从这个遥远的距离,我们不仅能看到银行系,还能看到其他的星系了 32. 从这个距离看,所有的星系看起来都变得很小,星系之间相距遥远. 同样的法则统治着宇宙的每一个组成部分. 我们能继续随着我们的想象往远处走,但是,现在我们还是快点回家去吧。33. 有一个问题跳进我们的大脑,我们是谁?我们将去什么地方?我们从何而来? 34. 或者...在宇宙中,我们代表什么? 35. 这次旅行中,“往上走”把我们带到了10的23次方的距离。36. 现在,我们转向另一个方向,去挖掘事物的内部 37. 现在我们回到了本次旅行的起点,这个距离我们能用我们的手臂够到 38. 逐渐靠近直到10cm的距离,我们能描绘树叶的样子了. 39. 从这个距离,我们能观察到树叶的结构 40. 细胞组织开始得以展现 41. 此时,细胞得以清晰的展现. 你可以看到细胞之间是怎样结合起来的. 42. 我们的旅行将进入到细胞内部 43. 可以看到细胞的核子 44. 我们再次更改我们的测量单位来观察更微小的事物。 现在你可以看到细胞的染色体了 44. 在这个微观世界里,可以看到细胞DNA链 45. 可以开始研究染色体块了 46. 这看起来像是电子的云从,这些是形成我们世界的碳原子 你会发现微观世界的景观和宏观世界的景观是如此相似 47. 在这个迷你世界里,我们能观察到电子围绕原子运行 48. 核子和电子运行轨道之间是一个无限的空阔的世界 49. 从这个难以置信的微观世界里,我们可以观察到原子核 50. 现在我们可以观察到碳原子核
51. 现在我们进入科学想象的领域,与质子面对面了 52. 仔细研究一下夸克粒子 现在我们没办法在走近了。 我们已经处于目前的科学能到达的边界了. 这是事物的边界了 53. 那么现在 想想...你是宇宙的中心吗?? 你是世界万物中的一个特殊的创造物吗? 在这些边界外是什么东西呢?有所谓的“边界”吗?
请注意,往“下”我们只能走到10的16ª的距离,然后到达事物的边界(我们目前的知识所能到达的边界) 但是往上,我们到了10的 23次方的距离然后停下来了,但是,实际上,我们能随着我们的想象力继续我们的旅行!!

Epi to fly m m micron unit of measurement
1.10 a power of 3. From the lens to see the world 2. From the micro to the macro 4. This is a high-speed travel, and each time the rate jumps to 10 times. 5. From the beginning of 10 0 involution (that is 1 meter), and then increased in accordance with 10 involution. Until the macroscopic world, endless. 6.
Next, let us come to the starting point to compare the fast start by the starting point to go up, and then move in the opposite direction to 10, involution to reduce our travel distance until a mysterious microscopic world. 7. Please carefully observed the laws of the universe is constant, please think about how much more as human beings we need to learn ... 8. Journey pleasant journey! 9. The garden, from 1 meter distance to see a bunch of leaves 10. To move up our line of sight, we see a plant 11. At this distance, we see the boundaries of the woods, as well as taught to us by 12. Now we are into the 1000 meters from the meters .. now may need to parachute in ... 13. we can see the whole city, but we have to see the house unclear Meidong 14. From this height, you can see Florida 15. This is the vision of 16 satellites. the Northern Hemisphere, and South America, parts of 17. At the moment, the earth looks very small 18. Earth and the Moon's orbit, is a white 19. as part of Earth's orbit, is blue 20. Venus and the Earth's orbit 21. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter 22. From this height, we can see the solar system and planets orbit 23. the solar system appear to have become a bit smaller 24. at the moment The sun seems, is what a number of stars in a 25. from a distance of light years to see the sun appear very small 26. In this infinite universe, we could not see anything less than 27. "nothing"? see only the remaining 28 stars and nebulae. From this distance, we began to travel the galaxy and the Milky Way 29. We continue to surf the 30 lines in the bank. we came into contact with the periphery of the Milky Way 31. From this remote distance, we have banking system can not only see, but also see other galaxies 32. From this distance, all the galaxies appear to have become very small, between the distant galaxies. The same law of the universe dominated by a component of each part. we can continue to imagine that as we move towards a distance away, but now we go to go home. 33. There is a problem jumping into our brains, Who are we? We will go where? We come from? 34. Or ... in the universe, we represent? 35. This trip, "going up" brings us 10 of the 23 th power distance. 36. Now we turn to another direction, to dig things inside 37. Now we return to the starting point of this trip, this distance we can use our arms enough to 38. Gradually close until the 10cm distance, we can describe the tree leaves the same again. 39. From this distance, we can observe the structure of the leaves 40. cells and tissues begin to show 41. At this point, cells can be clearly demonstrated. you can see how the relation between cells to combine. 42. Our trip will enter into the interior of cells 43. you can see the cells, nuclear 44. Once again, we change our unit of measurement to observe even small things. Now you can see the cells of 44 chromosomes. In this microscopic world, can see the DNA chain of 45 cells. Can begin to study chromosome block 46. It looks like a cloud of electrons from, these are the formation of carbon atoms in our world You'll find the world's landscapes and macro-micro world, the landscape is so similar to 47. In this mini-world, we can observe electron around the atom to run 48.'s nuclear and electronic orbits between a world of infinite Kongkuo 49. From the This incredible microscopic world, we can observe the nucleus 50. Now we can observe that the carbon nucleus
51. Now we enter the field of scientific imagination, face to face with the proton of 52. A closer look quark particles we now unable to have approached. We have at the present to reach the boundaries of science. That is a thing of the border 53. So now think about ... you are the center of the universe do? ? You are everything in the world, a special creation to? Beyond the boundaries of what is in these things? The so-called "boundary" do?
Please note that to the "down" we can only go 10 of 16 ª of the distance, and then to the borders of things (our present knowledge can reach the boundary), but up, we went to a 10 to 23-th power of the distance and then stopped to , but, in fact, we can continue our imagination as we travel!!
So ... Who says we are to live alone in the world?
第1个回答  2009-10-30
Epi to fly m m micron unit of measurement
1.10 a power of 3. From the lens to see the world 2. From the micro to the macro 4. This is a high-speed travel, and each time the rate jumps to 10 times. 5. From the beginning of 10 0 involution (that is 1 meter), and then increased in accordance with 10 involution. Until the macroscopic world, endless. 6.
Next, let us come to the starting point to compare the fast start by the starting point to go up, and then move in the opposite direction to 10, involution to reduce our travel distance until a mysterious microscopic world. 7. Please carefully observed the laws of the universe is constant, please think about how much more as human beings we need to learn ... 8. Journey pleasant journey! 9. The garden, from 1 meter distance to see a bunch of leaves 10. To move up our line of sight, we see a plant 11. At this distance, we see the boundaries of the woods, as well as taught to us by 12. Now we are into the 1000 meters from the meters .. now may need to parachute in ... 13. we can see the whole city, but we have to see the house unclear Meidong 14. From this height, you can see Florida 15. This is the vision of 16 satellites. the Northern Hemisphere, and South America, parts of 17. At the moment, the earth looks very small 18. Earth and the Moon's orbit, is a white 19. as part of Earth's orbit, is blue 20. Venus and the Earth's orbit 21. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter 22. From this height, we can see the solar system and planets orbit 23. the solar system appear to have become a bit smaller 24. at the moment The sun seems, is what a number of stars in a 25. from a distance of light years to see the sun appear very small 26. In this infinite universe, we could not see anything less than 27. "nothing"? see only the remaining 28 stars and nebulae. From this distance, we began to travel the galaxy and the Milky Way 29. We continue to surf the 30 lines in the bank. we came into contact with the periphery of the Milky Way 31. From this remote distance, we have banking system can not only see, but also see other galaxies 32. From this distance, all the galaxies appear to have become very small, between the distant galaxies. The same law of the universe dominated by a component of each part. we can continue to imagine that as we move towards a distance away, but now we go to go home. 33. There is a problem jumping into our brains, Who are we? We will go where? We come from? 34. Or ... in the universe, we represent? 35. This trip, "going up" brings us 10 of the 23 th power distance. 36. Now we turn to another direction, to dig things inside 37. Now we return to the starting point of this trip, this distance we can use our arms enough to 38. Gradually close until the 10cm distance, we can describe the tree leaves the same again. 39. From this distance, we can observe the structure of the leaves 40. cells and tissues begin to show 41. At this point, cells can be clearly demonstrated. you can see how the relation between cells to combine. 42. Our trip will enter into the interior of cells 43. you can see the cells, nuclear 44. Once again, we change our unit of measurement to observe even small things. Now you can see the cells of 44 chromosomes. In this microscopic world, can see the DNA chain of 45 cells. Can begin to study chromosome block 46. It looks like a cloud of electrons from, these are the formation of carbon atoms in our world You'll find the world's landscapes and macro-micro world, the landscape is so similar to 47. In this mini-world, we can observe electron around the atom to run 48.'s nuclear and electronic orbits between a world of infinite Kongkuo 49. From the This incredible microscopic world, we can observe the nucleus 50. Now we can observe that the carbon nucleus
51. Now we enter the field of scientific imagination, face to face with the proton of 52. A closer look quark particles we now unable to have approached. We have at the present to reach the boundaries of science. That is a thing of the border 53. So now think about ... you are the center of the universe do? ? You are everything in the world, a special creation to? Beyond the boundaries of what is in these things? The so-called "boundary" do?
Please note that to the "down" we can only go 10 of 16 ª of the distance, and then to the borders of things (our present knowledge can reach the boundary), but up, we went to a 10 to 23-th power of the distance and then stopped to , but, in fact, we can continue our imagination as we travel!!
So ... Who says we are to live alone in the world?


第2个回答  2009-10-30
Epi to fly m m micron unit of measurement
1.10 a power of 3. From the lens to see the world 2. From the micro to the macro 4. This is a high-speed travel, and each time the rate jumps to 10 times. 5. From the beginning of 10 0 involution (that is 1 meter), and then increased in accordance with 10 involution. Until the macroscopic world, endless. 6.
Next, let us come to the starting point to compare the fast start by the starting point to go up, and then move in the opposite direction to 10, involution to reduce our travel distance until a mysterious microscopic world. 7. Please carefully observed the laws of the universe is constant, please think about how much more as human beings we need to learn ... 8. Journey pleasant journey! 9. The garden, from 1 meter distance to see a bunch of leaves 10. To move up our line of sight, we see a plant 11. At this distance, we see the boundaries of the woods, as well as taught to us by 12. Now we are into the 1000 meters from the meters .. now may need to parachute in ... 13. we can see the whole city, but we have to see the house unclear Meidong 14. From this height, you can see Florida 15. This is the vision of 16 satellites. the Northern Hemisphere, and South America, parts of 17. At the moment, the earth looks very small 18. Earth and the Moon's orbit, is a white 19. as part of Earth's orbit, is blue 20. Venus and the Earth's orbit 21. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter 22. From this height, we can see the solar system and planets orbit 23. the solar system appear to have become a bit smaller 24. at the moment The sun seems, is what a number of stars in a 25. from a distance of light years to see the sun appear very small 26. In this infinite universe, we could not see anything less than 27. "nothing"? see only the remaining 28 stars and nebulae. From this distance, we began to travel the galaxy and the Milky Way 29. We continue to surf the 30 lines in the bank. we came into contact with the periphery of the Milky Way 31. From this remote distance, we have banking system can not only see, but also see other galaxies 32. From this distance, all the galaxies appear to have become very small, between the distant galaxies. The same law of the universe dominated by a component of each part. we can continue to imagine that as we move towards a distance away, but now we go to go home. 33. There is a problem jumping into our brains, Who are we? We will go where? We come from? 34. Or ... in the universe, we represent? 35. This trip, "going up" brings us 10 of the 23 th power distance. 36. Now we turn to another direction, to dig things inside 37. Now we return to the starting point of this trip, this distance we can use our arms enough to 38. Gradually close until the 10cm distance, we can describe the tree leaves the same again. 39. From this distance, we can observe the structure of the leaves 40. cells and tissues begin to show 41. At this point, cells can be clearly demonstrated. you can see how the relation between cells to combine. 42. Our trip will enter into the interior of cells 43. you can see the cells, nuclear 44. Once again, we change our unit of measurement to observe even small things. Now you can see the cells of 44 chromosomes. In this microscopic world, can see the DNA chain of 45 cells. Can begin to study chromosome block 46. It looks like a cloud of electrons from, these are the formation of carbon atoms in our world You'll find the world's landscapes and macro-micro world, the landscape is so similar to 47. In this mini-world, we can observe electron around the atom to run 48.'s nuclear and electronic orbits between a world of infinite Kongkuo 49. From the This incredible microscopic world, we can observe the nucleus 50. Now we can observe that the carbon nucleus
Questions added: 51. Now we enter the field of scientific imagination, face to face with the proton of 52. A closer look quark particles we now unable to have approached. We have at the present to reach the boundaries of science. That is a thing of the border 53. So now think about ... you are the center of the universe do? ? You are everything in the world, a special creation to? Beyond the boundaries of what is in these things? The so-called "boundary" do?
Please note that to the "down" we can only go 10 of 16 ª of the distance, and then to the borders of things (our present knowledge can reach the boundary), but up, we went to a 10 to 23-th power of the distance and then stopped to , but, in fact, we can continue our imagination as we travel!!
So ... Who says we are to live alone in the world?

第3个回答  2009-10-30
