

Before I move to the city, I live in my hometown for a long time. I meet a lot of friends, we play together all the time. Lucy is my best friend, she lives next to me. I am a shy girl, but Lucy is very nice to me, later I become active. Now I miss her very much, I will go to visit her when I have vacation.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-22
I went to see my grandma today. She is 70 years old and was an English teacher before she got retired. She is a very kind lady and always helps me in my English whenever I am with her. I helped her to clean the windows because it would be too dangerous for her to reach high. My grandma was very happy and she cooked me very nice lunch. I love my grandma.
我今天去看奶奶了。奶奶七十岁退休前是个英语教师。她是个很好的女士 并且每当我和她在一起的时候都帮助我的英语。我帮她擦玻璃,英文登高对她来说太危险。我奶奶非常高兴还给我做了很好的午餐。我爱我的奶奶。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-10-17
  The summer vacation began. I decided to work to make money for the next term. But I didn’t know what work I could do.
  At that time, my mother was writing a book. I decided to type for her for pay. She agreed and paid me 5 yuan for 1000 words.
  I began to work. I typed so slowly that I could type only several hundred words a day. It was a hard job for me. I kept typing all day long.
  I finished the work two weeks later. I came to know how hard it was to make money.

