
The benefit from providing accounting information is increased decision usefulness. If the information is relevant and possesses faithful representation, it will improve the decisions made by investors and creditors. However, there are costs to providing information that include costs to gather, process, and disseminate that information. There also are costs to users in interpreting the information as well as possible adverse economic consequences that could result from disclosing information. Information should not be provided unless the benefits exceed the costs.

第1个回答  2020-07-05
The benefit from providing accounting information is increased decision usefulness. If the information is relevant and possesses faithful representation, it will improve the decisions made by investors and creditors. However, there are costs to providing information that include costs to gather, process, and disseminate that information. There also are costs to users in interpreting the information as well as possible adverse economic consequences that could result from disclosing information. Information should not be provided unless the benefits exceed the costs.

提供会计信息的好处是增加了决策的实用性。 如果这些信息是相关的并具有忠实的代表,它将改进投资者和债权人的决定。 但是,提供信息会产生成本,其中包括收集,处理和传播该信息的成本。 用户在解释信息时也要付出成本,以及由于信息披露可能造成的不利经济后果。 除非收益超过成本,否则不应该提供信息。
第2个回答  2020-06-23

    The benefit from providing accounting information is increased decision usefulness.


    If the information is relevant and possesses faithful representation, it will improve the decisions made by investors and creditors.


    However, there are costs to providing information that include costs to gather, process, and disseminate that information.


第3个回答  2020-06-23

信息增加了决策有用性。 如果信息是相关的,并具有忠实的代表性,它将改善投资者和债权人作出的决定。 然而,需要提供费用

包括收集、处理和传播这些信息的费用的信息。 用户在解释信息时也要付出代价,同时也可能因披露信息而产生不利的经济后果。 除非福利超过成本,否则不应提供信息。
The benefit from providing accounting information is increased decision usefulness.If the information is relevant and possessesfaithful representation, it will improve thedecisions made by investors and creditors.However, there are costs to providing information that include costs to gather,process, and disseminate that information.There also are costs to users in interpretingthe information as well as possible adverseeconomic consequences that could resultfrom disclosing information. Informationshould not be provided unless the benefitsexceed the costs.
第4个回答  2020-06-23