



  省略是新闻标题最明显的特点。标题往往只保留实词而略去诸如冠词、连词、介词等虚词,突出关键词语、增强节奏感。其中,省略较多的虚词是冠词以及系动词“be, are, seem”等。如:Chinese students talk to (an) ISS astronaut (chinaview.com 07-8-27)译为:中国学生与(一名)国际空间站宇航员对话。此例中,汉译时数量词被省略,以达到简洁、避免繁琐。

  但有时英语新闻中被省略的部分可适当体现,以达意为目的。如:China (is) to ease restriction on foreign investments in service sector (chinaview.com 07-11-17) 译为:中国将放宽服务行业对外商投资的'限制。汉译时,将英文的省略功能性虚词的部分加以阐释,译出“将”,使译文更精确。


  为使英语新闻标题简洁有力,编辑们多用音节少而词义广泛的短小词,以浓缩主题于标题之中。如:Bali climate talks seek 2009 deal (chinadaily.com.cn 07-12-03) 译为:巴厘岛峰会寻求2009年(抵制全球温室效应的)谈判。其中,“deal”一词是新闻英语标题中较为典型的短小词,取代“negotiation”。通过使用字母较少且意义简明通俗的词语,使读者迅速准确地抓住其意。又如表示“目睹、查看”等意的eye, 通常替代witness,watch,observe,review等长词。在汉译时,应根据不同的文章意境,还原原有的长词,选择恰当对等汉语表达词,以做到准确。


  新闻英语标题简明扼要特点的形成有赖于缩略词的选用。其运用一则避免了标题中出现冗长词语,以缩减词数;二则使版面活泼抢眼。缩略词,尤其是首字母缩略词,翻译时须译全称。如:Al Gore and the BBC win International Emmy Awards (chinadaily.com.cn 07-11-20)译为:阿尔?戈尔及英国广播公司赢得国际艾美奖。其中,BBC是“British Broadcasting Corporation”的缩略形式,即“英国广播公司”,应译出全称。


  语言是永恒变化的,每年都有上千个新造词亮相于新闻媒体。通过赋予旧词新义、转换词性、添加词缀等方式,造出新词以表达特定意义,使标题更形象生动。如:One million computers get holiday bug (chinaview.com 07-10-09)译为:国庆期间百万台电脑感染病毒。随着科技的发展,许多计算机方面的专业术语应运而生。“bug”原意为“虫”,在此作“计算机病毒”解。因而在汉译时,要注意正确翻译专业名词,不可有太多的随意性。再如受Watergate (水门事件)的启发,不断出现带有-gate(丑闻)的词,如Whitegate (克林顿的白水门事件),Monicagate (克林顿与女秘书的性丑闻)。在汉译时,要准确理解原标题意义,在此基础上紧扣内容、切忌望文生义。
第1个回答  2023-01-05
新闻标题英文写法范文 第一篇
When I got home, the first thing I did was wait for a while to turn on my desktop and TV and see which side never cared about how much electricity was wasted or how much carbon dioxide emissions were. Occasionally, I saw a news release on the Internet that made me shudder: xxxhighway failure, volcanic eruption, buildings collapsed, the whole city was flooded, you know Why is that just a shadow play? At the scene, scientists have predicted with great concern: if the global temperature continues to rise, mankind will really encounter such a disaster many years later. xxxI saw schools, school districts, and streets everywhere advocating environmental protection and ecological lifestyle.

Since then, I have restricted Internet access and watching TV, instead of turning on TV and desktop at the same time to help save a little energy Reduce carbon dioxide emissions, I found that they have developed this habit of life, and even the whole human being has this idea. A xxxlow carb