我最喜欢的科目 My Favorite Subject


第1个回答  2022-10-01
My favoritesubject is English. I like it very much and I am also good at it. At first, I likeit least. Or even I am a little afraid of it. However, I surmount it and thenlike it the most. As I bee interested in it, I find English is veryinteresting and useful. Learning it well makes me feel proud. Spoken English isalso very beautiful. I wish that I can go abroad one day for a further study.,我最喜欢的科目是英语。我非常喜欢它也很擅长它。一开始的时候我最不喜欢的就是英语。甚至我还有一点害怕它。然而,我克服了,之后就变成最喜欢的就是英语了。我慢慢的对英语感兴趣后,我发现英语是很有趣也很有用的。学好英语让我感到很骄傲。英语口语也很美妙的。我希望有一天我可以去国外进修。