
松下G1,GF1,GH1,G10,G2如何看快门数刚刚在网上搜了一下,并且亲手实验,搞定了G2的快门数---哈哈,这个商家果然厚道,给我的是日本行货新机!!!快门数一点不错。不都是JS!!!以下是正文,希望对坛友有用。Special notice! All this info is not intended for end users. You won't find here any useful info other than one that could damage your camera.Temporary service mode:1) Non-empty SD card must be installed2) Check that single shot mode is selected.3) Before trning on camera press:a) DISPLAY+FILM MODE for G1 and GH1b) DISPLAY+AE LOCK for GF1, G2, G104) Turn on power.You must see ROM BACKUP option in settings menu.Error code table in this mode:1) Press left arrow + MENU/SET and hold them, plus pressa) FILM MODE for G1 and GH1b) DISPLAY for GF1c) AF/AE LOCK for G2 and G10If you repeat error code table method one more time for'll be in CAMERA INFO screen.Pressing Display will show you CAMERA INFO 2 screen.先这样,有空把它翻成国语,哈哈

1. p模式下同时按af/ae lock,display,wb开机,查看设置里出现backup rom选项

2.同时按display,menu/set,左(焦点那个钮)出现camera info菜单


第1个回答  2013-11-07
谢谢快门和其他数据: 1木了燃非常游泳!!!
第2个回答  2013-11-07
第3个回答  2013-11-07
试了很久还是不行啊,不管是先按住魔键再开机,还是同时进行,设置里都看不到ROM BACKUP选项......求助达人们,谢谢!!!!!!!!!
第4个回答  2013-11-07