介绍英语老师的英语作文 初一上水平 70词左右

我最喜爱的老师是我们的英语老师 她姓宋 40多岁 个子高 她很和蔼 与我们相处融洽 对我们要求严格 她经常在课上和我们一起做游戏 我们都喜欢上她的英语课

以上仅供提示 希望大家能帮我写篇70余词的作文 可适当发挥 不要太难

另外征求英语作文 我最爱的体育明星 我的好朋友 我的收藏 健康食物有利于我们的健康 我最爱的电影 这几篇 不要内容 告诉我从哪方面入手即可

大侠赶紧帮忙 要开学了 无奈啊

Hello every one!My name is ……My favourite teacher is my English teacher.Her famliy name is Song.She is forty-……(几).She is very tall and she is very nice.But she is very strict with us.She always plays games with us in her class.We like her English lesson very much.This is my English teacher Miss Song.I like her very much.Do you like her?
声明:我是初一的学生 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻

你所说的这些作文完全可以像我上面那篇作文一样的结构来写,或者是介绍东西,人……绝对有用哦(我的考试经验(*^__^*) 嘻嘻)只要套进去,把内容修改一下就行了。相信我,没错的!



第1个回答  2010-02-19
My favorite teacher is My English teacher Miss Song.She is a tall lady with beautiful long black hair.Every morning when she walks into our classroom and stands next to the window, her hair shines brightly just like she wears a headband which is full of diamonds.
Except for all the things above,there is one more important answer to the question why my classmate and me love Miss Song so much.It is because she is very friendly to her students.She always play interesting games with us on the English class and often makes the class start and end up with jokes.Howerver, when you are naughty, she will be severe too.
Miss Song,I love you!
第2个回答  2019-02-20
可以试着去 k a ȵ 3 p · c ȵ我一直就是在这里看
最后说一下 要把 ȵ换成n 才能打开哦
我该说的都说了,现在就看你运气喽 希望能帮到你吧