

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the letter. To the stomach problems you described I suggest you the following:

First, stomach is an organ that needs to be used constantly. Once a problem developed in stomach special care has to be paid to prevent deteriorating. Just like the heart that no one can stop its pumping, the stomach labors constantly day and night as people have to eat and drink something to survive, even only live on liquids like milk and juice. Make all the food as soft as possible to protect the stomach.

Second, stomach ulcer is a chronic problem, once infected this disease (yes, it is due to a bacteria infection!) you have to treat it very patiently. Take your medications regularly, drink more water to accelerate the healing, and have plenty of rest. Overwork on your assignments, or getting too tired with exercise will all delay the recovery.

Finally, be careful with what you eat. Avoid spicy food, which may irritate the ulcers. Actually all those that are strong in taste or temperature will hurt you, such as too sour, too salty, too full, too cold, or too hot, etc. In order to enable a good rest for your stomach, you should try to have more meals a day but with smaller volume than your usual intake quantity each meal.

Hope you to take good care of yourself, and get well soon. Write me back if you can.

