

我那个时候只是非常的想要和你分享一个好消息:一门我没有通过的课程在tutor的第二次review后,改为通过了。当我第一次申请review的时候,我得到的答复是“my final exam mark is way too off from the minimum passing mark and I will need to repeat the subject next semester.”这个回复让我非常的upset。但是出人意料的,我在之后收到了第二份email, they have reviewed my final exam again with a different tutor and my mark and grade will now be changed from 60 X to 65 C.对这个消息我感到非常的兴奋,不仅因为我省下3000澳币的重修费用,更加省下了半年的重修时间。

I just really want share you a good news at that moment cause I just be informed that I final pass a subject which I failed in the very beginning after my tutor second reviewed. When I first time request review, the response was my final exam mark is way too off from the minimum passing mark and I will need to repeat the subject next semester. This information make me very upset. But superisely, they give me another email said that . they have reviewed my final exam again with a different tutor and my mark and grade will now be changed from 60 X to 65 C. I was very excited about that information cause this not means I could save 3000 AU dollar to redo this subject but also I save half year.

want to
share with
I am just informed be作为动词原型只有在情态动词后才用
I finally pass 修饰动词要用副词的finally
the subject 因为没过那门课是特定的,而且后面的定语从句限定了它,所以用定冠词
When I requested 这事更早所以过去式
review for the first time
is way too off 看不明白is lower far from? 因为这是和最低线比,所以用比较级
I will need to need to 本身就表示该做还没做,所以不必加will,没这种用法
repeat the subject 应为retake repeat 是重复意思不准确
This information make me very upset make要加s
reviewed my final exam 似乎要 加个paper因为复查的是试卷
with a different tutor by another 因为重点是另一位,不是不同的,这是汉语思维的影响
cause it means that I could not only save 3000 AU dollars for redoing the subject but also save half a year's time