
用英语句子解释警察(policeman)、出租车司机(taxi driver)、空姐(air hostess)、邮递员(postman)、护士(nurse)、机械师(mechanic)、理发师(hairdresser)家庭妇女(housewife)、送牛奶的人(milkman)

警察(policeman) the security of society 出租车司机(taxi driver)、a car's driver whose job is to take passengers where they want to go 空姐(air hostess)、a server on a plane 邮递员(postman) a man who delivers the mail 护士(nurse)、doctor's assistant 机械师(mechanic)、someone whose job is repairing machines 理发师(hairdresser)someone who cuts hair 家庭妇女(housewife)、a woman who only deals with houseworks 送牛奶的人(milkman) someone who delivers milk 望采纳~!
第1个回答  2014-10-17
policeman catch the badman. taxi driver drive a car to sent people to somewhere. air hostess working in airplane. postman sent the mail. nurse take care of sick people. mechanic working with tools. housewife do the housework. milkman sent the milk. hairdresser cut the hair.本回答被提问者采纳