


第1个回答  2017-09-02
第2个回答  2017-08-05
第3个回答  2018-12-20
1. Li Bai was a p_________ to write many famous p __ .
2. Xu Beihong was an a___________. Xu Beihong was good at p horses.
3. Helen Keller is famous for helping the d and b __ .
4. Edison was an A______________ i________________. He is famous for his i __ .
He i ____ a lot of things.
5. Jean-Henri Fabre was a French s . He is famous for s____________ insects.
6. Lu Xun was a famous Chinese w__________.
7. We should always help the d and b .
8. In the future, she wants to study at Tsinghua U______________ in Beijing.
9. Hans Christian Andersen was a D____________ w_____________. He is famous for writing s____________.
10. Isaac Newton saw an apple f__________ from the tree.
11. We learn to make d___________________ at Spring Festival.
12. He will train for a basketball match. He’s a sports f__________.
13. I’ll b___________ back some sausages to school tomorrow.
14. My little sister is a___________ of snakes.
15. I’m so sorry to h__________ that your grandmother is ill.
16. Alice is my p______ p________, she is an American girl, I always write letters to her.
17. My clock was b______________. I didn’t know the time, so I got up late.
18.. We eat d_______________ and big dinner at Spring Festival.
19. My brothers like watching football matches. They are football f________________.
20. In winter, many people go to Harbin to see i_____________ l_________________.
21. My little sister is a________________ of mice.
22. Bill lost the game. That was a great p____________.
23. In this month’s competition I hope you can win the first p_____________.
24. We are l____________ f______________ t_______ going to the zoo.