急!哪位英文高手来做个翻译啊~ 翻译的好,分可以追加很多~~


随着我国市场经济的发展和对外开放的进一步扩大,特别是加入WTO后, 中国 在国际事务中的商业活动更加频繁,在相互交往与工作中,商务谈判的作用越来越突出。商务谈判是经济贸易合作的双方为达成某种交易或解决某种争端而进行的协商洽谈活动。在这样的协商活动中,双方的交换条件,包括产品质量、经营信誉、技术优势等实质性的因素起着主导作用,但就其外部流程和形态而言,商务谈判又是双方谈判人员运用语言传达观点、交流意见的过程。因此,在商务谈判中语言运用的成功与否,对谈判的进程与结果起着举足轻重的作用。

with the development of the market economy and the expansion of reform and opening up to the outside world, especially since the entry into WTO, China has participated more frequently in international businsess activities,business negotiation plays an increasingly more significant role in the business communication and daily work. Business negotiation is a series of consultations and negotiatoins between two economic and trade paties to make deals or settle some sort of dispute. During the negotiation process, the alternation condition of two parties,substantial factors including the product quality, business integrity, technological advantage, play leading roles,however,as to the external flow and pattern, business negotiation is also a process of conveying ideas and exchanging opinions by employing professional languages between the two party members. Thus, The successful use of languages during the negotiating process plays a consequential role in the development and final outcome of busness negotiation.人工翻译,请参考
第1个回答  2010-02-08
As China's market economy development and opening up further expansion, particularly into the WTO, China's commercial activities in international affairs, more frequent mutual contacts and work, an increasingly prominent role in business negotiations. Business negotiations are economic and trade cooperation between both sides to reach some sort of trade or some sort of dispute settlement consultations carried out discussions and negotiations. In such consultations, the parties exchange conditions, including product quality, business reputation, technological superiority, and other substantive factors that played a leading role, but in terms of its external processes and patterns, business negotiations is the use of language both negotiators communication point of view, the process of exchange of views. Therefore, use of language in business negotiations, the success of the negotiations process and the results play a decisive role in
第2个回答  2010-02-08
第3个回答  2010-02-08
Along with the development of market economy in China and the further opening-up, especially the accession to the WTO, China's commercial activities in the international affairs, more frequent intercourse and work in business negotiations, the functions are becoming more and more outstanding. Business negotiation is the foreign trade and economic cooperation of both sides to reach a deal or solve some disputes and negotiations business activities. In this activity, both sides negotiate the terms of exchange, including product quality, management and technical advantages such substantial prestige of factors, but played a dominant role in the external flow and form, business negotiation and negotiations between the two sides, the use of language exchange opinions. Therefore, in business negotiations, the language of the success of the negotiation process and result plays an important role.
第4个回答  2010-02-08
With its fast-growing market economy and accelerated paces of opening-up, especially after its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has been engaged in global business activities more and more frequently, and accordingly business negotiations have assumed a more and more important role in China's international communications and exchanges. Business negotiations refer to the consultations and talks between the two parties involved in economic and trade cooperation, aimed at reaching some kind of deal or resolving certain disputes. In such consultations, what each side has to offer for exchange, including quality of products, reputation and credibility, and technological advantages, certainly has a major role to play. However, in terms of the external procedures and patterns, business negotations are actually a process of negotiators/representatives from both sides using their language skills to express themselves and exchange views. Therefore, an excellent command of language skills has a significant bearing on the development and outcome of any business negotiations.