
fantastic 有‘极好的’的意思吗?


1extremely good; excellent 极好的;了不起的 informal
See also: great Synonym; brilliant Synonym
a fantastic beach in Australia 澳大利亚旖旎的海滩
a fantastic achievement 了不起的成就
The weather was absolutely fantastic. 天气十分宜人。
You've got the job? Fantastic! 你得到那工作了?太好了!
2.very large; larger than you expected 很大的;大得难以置信的 informal
See also: enormous Synonym; amazing Synonym
The response to our appeal was fantastic. 我们的呼吁引起十分强烈的反应。
The car costs a fantastic amount of money. 这轿车的价钱贵得吓人。
3.strange and imaginative 怪诞的;荒诞不经的;富于想像的 usually before noun
See also: weird Synonym
fantastic dreams of forests and jungles 关于森林和热带丛林的怪梦
Variant: fantastical less frequent
4.impossible to put into practice 不切实际的;无法实现的