
非常荣幸,在这辞旧迎新之际,能请到各位参加本公司新年酒会。酒会正式开始之前,我和大家介绍一下,今天除了品酒知识的基本介绍,在接下来的各个环节,我们为各位准备了丰富的奖品 ,请大家密切关哦,谢谢!今天的酒会告一段落,最后,祝在座的各位大家在新的一年里身体好,家庭好,生活好,工作好,一切都好!!大家都知道,2010年是中国的世博年,请问离世博召开还有几天?

A great honor, in this New Year a time when he can invite you to participate in the company's New Year's reception. Before the reception started and I brief you, other than a basic introduction to wine knowledge in all aspects of the next, we have prepared for you a wealth of prizes, please close off Oh, thank you! Today's reception come to an end, finally, I wish all of you here in the new year, good health, family well, live well, work well, all is well! ! We all know that 2010 years of China's World Expo, will hold a few days away from the Expo?