英语短文改错An old man is seated in an armchair

英语短文改错An old man is seated in an armchair at home,_reading his newspaper.Besides him lay a dog sleeping_soundlly .After a while ,the old man decided to leave_home,and he couldn't go out with his slippers on._So he woke up the dog and let it bring the shoes_ for him.Out of its expectation ,the didn't even_stand up ,but just barked with two eyes close again._The old man was complete puzzled .As he was wondering_that what was happening ,a cat appeared before him with_one of his shoe. Why you think the cat came here?_

Besides-Beside 前者是除过……后者是……的旁边
its-his表示出乎他的意料,是这个老人,而不是the dog(是不是后边的the写错了?)
shoe-shoes,one of后边肯定是复数形式。
第1个回答  2010-01-09
An old man is seated in an armchair at home,_去掉is
reading his newspaper.Besides him lay a dog sleeping_Beside
soundlly .After a while ,the old man decided to leave_leave for
home,and he couldn't go out with his slippers on._and 改成but
So he woke up the dog and let it bring the shoes_ to bring
for him.Out of its expectation ,the didn't even_his
stand up ,but just barked with two eyes close again._closed
The old man was complete puzzled .As he was wondering_completely
that what was happening ,a cat appeared before him with_对
one of his shoe. Why you think the cat came here?_ shoes
第2个回答  2010-01-09
第3个回答  2010-01-09
1去掉 is