

抓住人物特点,开头结尾点明写进作文里的人物,一定要首先想好特点,人物的特点可以从他的年龄、生活背景、外貌、语言、动作、兴趣爱好、性格等方面去寻找。另外,人是有多面性的,在写一篇作文时,要根据主题(中心思想)去选择主要特点来写,切忌面面俱到。 写进作文里的人物特点,要以积极、正面、正能量的特点为主,如坚韧不拔,勤奋好学,兴趣广泛,热爱劳动,勤俭节约等,负能量的特点尽量不要写进作文里,如果一定要写,也要体现出批判的看法。写作时,要在开头直接点出文中所写人物的特点,开门见山,简明扼要,点题后直接进入主要内容的描写。结尾要进行呼应,两次点明人物特点,引起读者深思。
第1个回答  2023-05-29


Some people's idols are celebrities, scientists, a-listers. And my idol is a very ordinary boy - Wang Junkai. Why is he my idol? He is very good. Since his debut, he has gained a lot of popularity. His activities and work seem to never stop. Every day, he is either working or on the way to work.

This caused him to delay a lot of his lessons. He only had two months to review the knowledge he had learned in three years of high school, but even so, he was admitted to the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy and entered his ideal major. 

He is excellent, excellent to admire, to like. He is not proud. He continued to go to school even as he became famous.

In order not to let his fans disturb his classmates, he went to school before dawn every day. He never pretended to be a star in class. He would clean up and be very careful not to disturb his classmates, so that his teachers praised him repeatedly when they were interviewed.

At the Beijing Film Academy, he was also very low-key, hoping to be an ordinary college student, to learn knowledge and learn a skill. He is dedicated to his work. He worked hard to sing, dance, perform and participate in variety shows. When the work is very tired, he never complains, just silently insist.

As a team leader, he always takes the lead in every group activity, giving the other team a leading role. He is a gentleman. 

He always takes care of female guests when attending variety shows. When taking photos with female guests, he always holds his hands so that he does not touch the female guests' bodies.

They carry the women's dresses. They hold them. This is Wang Junkai, he is worth everyone like, but also worthy of becoming our model!





