
姓名:*** 性别: 女 出生年月:1987.02.13 爱好:旅游,交友 毕业学校: 江苏省徐州财经学院
健康状况:良好 学 历:大专 工作经验:4年 婚姻状况:未婚 民 族: 汉族 政治面貌:中国共青团团员 联系方式:15857134***
活泼开朗、乐观向上、认真负责、吃苦耐劳、05年11月从江苏省徐州财经学校毕业分配到松下● (杭州)压缩机有限公司工作。


(性别)Sex: Female

(出生年月日)Date of birth: 1987.02.13

(爱好)Hobbies: Travel Dating

(毕业学校)Graduate school: Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, College of Finance and Economics

(健康状况)Health status: good

(学历)Education: tertiary

(工作经验)Work experience: 4 years

(婚姻状况)Marital status: unmarried

(民族)National: Han

(政治面貌)Political landscape: The Chinese Communist Youth League members

(联系方式)Contact: 15857134 ***

Proficiency in DOS, WINDOWS98/2000 operating system and OFFICE97/2000, EXCEL, WORD and other office software
Lively and cheerful, optimistic, progressive, responsible, hard, in November 2005 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, from the financial allocation to the Panasonic school ● (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. compressor work.