
[摘要] 恋爱婚姻问题作为个人问题,意义不一定很大,可是《红楼梦》不同于任何以恋爱婚姻问题为主题的作品,它联系到整个社会和社会制度,鲜明地表现了被压迫阶级和统治阶级的尖锐斗争,揭露了腐朽的封建制度日趋衰亡的必然趋势,歌颂虽然幼稚但是不可战胜的新生力量。通过分析钗黛性格差异及其命运悲剧的同一性,深刻揭示了封建社会必将崩溃的历史命运。
[关键词] 林黛玉性格特征;薛宝钗性格特征;钗黛性格差异;薛宝钗命运悲剧性;林黛玉命运悲剧性;钗黛命运的悲剧同一性

The based marriage question takes the software problem, the significance is not necessarily very big, but "Hong Lou Meng" is different with any take the based marriage question as the subject work, it relates to the entire social and the social system, distinctively displayed has been oppressed the social class and ruling class's incisive struggle, has exposed the inevitable trend which the decayed feudalism declined day by day, the eulogy, although weak, but invincible strength for new life. Through the analysis ornamental hairpin black eyebrow coloring disposition difference and the destiny tragedy's identity, has promulgated the historical destiny which profoundly the feudal society will certainly to collapse.
第1个回答  2009-05-05
c bbvbcvbfg
bcbccvbbcvjg vxjvivbhxjfxv
jvbhdjcdbjkcxvdjkgbhdgvjcxvbhcbhvcxkjhubhcjvkbhckjvbhcvkubzjhuhcvkjb bjc cjvbc bkbcjkbh cbc bkj cbjkcb c ccbcjbhcjv cjc bcjbhcjbh bcb ccbc bjkcbj bhcjb cjgdfknbjcvhbfdjgkjvcbkjcvhbcvngvckjbhcvkjbcvkl cvbcvbjcvngbnbnfgcgkdsgjbkvbjkghcjkvb c


gxdbhkjggdfxvbc xhkjb xcvhcjkb v cbxvcbnc bxckvcjkvb vb cbcxvb bcvbcvnb nnmnvccvmbcv vbcvbcmvbmcvbmcbvmcbmcbxmcbmcbmcvnmbcvbdf gckvbhcv bjkcvnbjcbcvkbnvbknvcklbvb cvbcvjkv c bxccbcbccbncm cvbnkcbxkcjkcjbckjvxig nbmcxbxlvkxlbvcxvclkvnfnxlkcvnbxlkcvjxkbnxklvjxcgjbnc cvjkcvhbjkdhkjxdvhcjkvbhjkcxv
vxdvh jhvjkdsfvjhcvbio j jkjvhxjvx,cvDGfczxhgfdysf,dcvtdsdshsdf.ctydssdcyuvghjfbygiuxdfsdhuxuyvxchvgdshfghgvxcvcvcxjhvgcf,dfssgfsdfsdftufsdfguysvgsdjfhsgfshgfshgdfashdfshfdasfdsfdahsdfhsdgfasdfhgsfhgzxfchgdfsgf.sdfsdfsgsdsg,gdfdfgdfgsdfdcbvxsfsdcxvbsfdgtdhfbvdf,gvcbvcgdfgdhbdfgfhvcxbdgbdfbgdfgfghcvbg,cdgdfsdghxvuyhjxcgvydgsfhjgvhjxcghjsfhjbdfgdfbgfb.
第2个回答  2009-05-05
[Abstract] the issue of love marriage as an individual problem, the meaning is not necessarily great, but "A Dream of Red Mansions" is different from any question of love as the theme of marriage works, it ties the whole community and social systems, clearly showing the oppressed class and the ruling class of the acute struggle to expose the corrupt feudal system of the inevitable trend of the increasing decline, although the naive but sing the praises of the new force can not be overcome. By analyzing the differences between the hairpin and the fate of the character deanxit tragedy identity, reveals the profound collapse of feudal society is bound to the historical destiny.