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First chapter general rule
first in order to protect minor's physical and moral integrity, safeguards minor's legitimate rights and interests, promotes the minor in aspect full scale developments and so on the personal character, intelligence, physique, trains into them has the ideal, has the morals, the literacy, has the discipline socialism enterprise successor, according to the constitution, formulates this law.
Second article this law called the minor is does not refer to the reach 18 year-old citizens.
The third article country, the society, the school and the family carry on the ideal education, the moral education, the culture and education, the discipline and the education in respect for the law to the minor, carries on the patriotism, collectivism and the internationalism, the communism education, advocated loves the motherland, the love people, the love works, the love science, the love socialism social ethics, opposes the capitalism, feudalism and other decayed thought corrosion.
Fourth article protects minor's work, must follow the following principle:
(1) safeguards minor's legitimate rights and interests;
(2) respects the minor the personal dignity;
(3) adapts the minor body and mind development characteristic;
(4) education and the protection unifies.
The fifth article country safeguards the minor the person, the property and other legitimate rights and interests frees from aggression.
The protection minor, is State agency, the armed forces, the political party, the social group, the enterprise enterprise organizes, the city and countryside basic unit mass character autonomous organization, minor's guardian and other grown-up citizen's common responsibility.
To encroaches upon the minor legitimate rights and interests the behavior, any organization and individual all is authorized to advise against, to stop or proposes the reporting or the accusation to the department concerned.

The country, the society, the school and the family must educate and help the minor utilize the legal method, defends own legitimate rights and interests.
The sixth article central committee and place all levels of State agency must complete the minor in respective scope of official duty to protect the work.
The State Council and the province, the autonomous region, the municipality people's government according to the need, takes the organization measure, the coordinated department concerned completes the minor to protect the work.
The Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation, the trade union, the youth federation, the students' federation, the pioneer youth and other related social group, assist all levels of people's government to complete the minor to protect the work, defends minor's legitimate rights and interests.
The seventh article all levels of people's government and the department concerned to protect the minor to have the remarkable result organization and individual, gives the reward.
The second chapter family protects
the eighth parents or other guardians must fulfill legally to minor's guardianship responsibility and the foster duty, does not have to maltreat, to abandon the minor; Must not discriminate against the feminine minor or have the disabled minor; Prohibition drowning of new-born babies, abandoned baby.
The ninth article parents or other guardians must respect minor the right to receive and education, must cause the minor of age to accept the compulsory education according to the stipulation, does not have to cause the minor who accepts the compulsory education in the school discontinues studies.
The tenth article parents or other guardians must by the health thought, the conduct and the suitable method education minor, guide the minor to carry on the beneficial physical and moral integrity the activity, prevents and stops the minor to smoke, the excessive drinking, roams about as well as gathers in groups to gamble, takes drugs, the prostitution.
The 11th article parents or other guardians do not have to permit or force the minor to marry, does not have to work out the engagement for the minor.
The 12th article parents or other guardians do not fulfill the guardianship responsibility or the violation by the guardianship minor's legitimate rights and interests, must undertake the responsibility legally.
The parents or other guardians have the down payment to arrange in order the behavior, does not change after the education, the people's court may act according to the concerned personnel or unit concerned's application, abolishes its guardian's qualifications; According to general provisions of the civil law 16th stipulation, separate definite guardian.
The third chapter school protects
the 13th school to have to implement national comprehensively the educational policy, carries on the moral education, the intellectual instruction, sports, the esthetic education, the reeducation-through-labor as well as the social life instruction and the puberty education to the underage student.
The school must care about, cherish the student; To the conduct vicious, the study have the difficulty student, must educate, the help patiently, does not have to discriminate.
The 14th article school must respect the underage student to educate the power, does not have to dismiss the underage student at will.
The 15th article school, the kindergarten teachers and administrators must respect the minor the personal dignity, does not have implements the corporal punishment to the underage student and the child, in disguised form the corporal punishment or other insult personal dignity behavior.
The 16th article school does not have to cause the underage student in to endanger the personal safety, the health school building and in other education teaching facility moves.
Any organization and individual does not have to harass the teaching order, does not have to invade, to destroy the school the location, the house and the equipment.
The 17th article school and the kindergarten arrange the underage student and the child participate in collective activities and so on the assembly, cultural entertainment, social practice, must be advantageous to minor's health growth, prevented has the personal safety accident.
18th article delivers the minor according to the national related stipulation who the reform school accepts the compulsory education, the reform school must to it carry on the ideological education, the culture and education, the work technical education and the vocational education.
Reform school's teachers and administrators must care about, the loving care, the respect student, do not have to discriminate, to detest and reject.
The 19th article kindergarten must complete the care, the educational work, promotes the baby in aspects and so on physique, intelligence, personal character to develop harmoniously.
The fourth chapter society protects
the 20th national encouragement social group, the enterprise enterprise organization and other organizations and the citizen, development many kinds of forms is advantageous to the minor health growth social activity.
The 21th article all levels of people's government must create the condition, the establishment and the improvement suits the active place and the facility which the minor culture life needs.
The 22th article museum, the memorial hall, the science and technology museum, the cultural building, the theater, the stadium (hall), places and so on zoo, park, must be open to the elementary and middle school students preferential benefit.
The 23th article business ballroom and so on is not suitable the place which the minor moves, the concerned department responsible for the work and the operator must take the measure, does not have to allow the minor to enter.
24th article country units and the writer, the scientist, the artist and other citizens and so on encouragement news, publication, broadcast, movie, television, literary arts, the creation or provide are beneficial in the minor health growth work