求翻译 皇家律师 Silk是一种非正式的俗称,事实上指的是皇室法律顾问(Queen'sCouns

皇家律师 Silk是一种非正式的俗称,事实上指的是皇室法律顾问(Queen'sCounsel/King'sCounsel),作为成员,皇家律师们必须身着特殊设计的丝质长袍,佩戴金黄色或灰色或白色的,有三个卷曲的假发,《皇家律师》视角宏大、大胆且快节奏地带领观众洞察了刑事律师们的世界,展现了这些法律之鹰们在工作和享乐世界中的不同侧面

Royal lawyer Silk is a informal of commonly known as, actually refers to of is Royal counsel (Queen'sCounsel/King'sCounsel), as members, Royal lawyer were must dressed in special design of silk mass robe, wearing Golden or grey or white of, has three a curling of wig, Royal lawyer perspective Grand, and bold and fast rhythm to led audience insight has criminal lawyer were of world, show has these legal of Eagle were in work and pleasure world in the of different side
Crown counsel is a film about life, love, and stand in the forefront of criminal law, in the face of difficult cases the face of difficult cases the lawyer's story.
第1个回答  2020-03-11
SILK is an informal common name. in fact, it refers to Queen's counsel/King'sCounsel. As members, the counsels must be dressed in specially designed silk robes, and wear golden or gray or white wigs with three curls. SILK has a grand, bold and fast-paced perspective to guide the audience into the world of criminal lawyers, showing the different sides of these legal hawks in the world of work and pleasure. SIlK is a story about life, love and lawyers who stand at the forefront of criminal law and face difficult cases.