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公司主要有磨漆画、佛像画、神像画、门神画、财神画。作品绢本设色,深谙传统文化,色彩艳丽,艺术品位高,现已远销韩国、日本… …深受好评。近年来公司不断开拓书画市场,牢固树立品牌形象。为满足社会不同层次人士的需求,成立了极具艺术氛围、谈文赏艺的休闲沙龙。


磨漆画,是越南独具特色的工艺美术品,堪称越南之国宝,更是传承越南民间传统文化艺术精华之重要载体。考古结果表明,在公元3世纪前后,越南漆器就已经具有成熟的工艺和考究的品质。19世纪法国统治越南开始,越南磨石漆器蜚声国际,至 20世纪20年代,悠久的漆画艺术得到了广泛的传播,并且开始向磨漆画的方向发展。越南用胶漆装饰宫殿、亭台楼阁的习俗由来已久,并在许多建筑物上留下宝贵的遗产。磨漆画及各种磨漆制品已经遍及越南全国,成为了越南重要的出口商品;而在越南美术博物馆里,仅磨漆画就陈列了二百多件精美作品。至今仍是该国最著名的艺术输出品之一。

磨漆画制作:漆器的原料取自漆树,方法与割胶相同。经过搁置、稀释、搅拌后,人们可从树漆中取得浮于上层的精华—油虫漆(oil lac),再将这些油虫漆不停搅拌8至10小时后须加入松香,以适于日后打磨。此外,特别的漆器作品此时还需要特别的“配方”:比如加入辰砂能调制出不同红色;水仙花种子可制成黄色颜料;蛋壳、珍珠母以及蜗牛壳磨成粉后,能调制白色、蓝色或紫色的漆……在作画过程中,为了更好地表现物体,还可以根据画面内容的需要,采用黑漆、朱漆、腰果漆、透明色漆配以各种螺钢、蛋壳、贝壳、石片、木片、金、银、锡、宝石、等材料进行绘、雕、嵌、填、变涂、罩明、莳绘、打磨、镶嵌等各种技法,最后经打磨并罩上透明漆,用细瓦灰与生油推光。越南漆器多采用木坯,在上漆之前,它们必须被打磨成形,且表面不可有任何瑕疵。涂抹首道漆膜后,漆器要荫干2至3天才能继续刷漆,此后每刷上一道漆,都必须荫干两三天,并花上数小时以浮石打磨……此工序将反复进行,通常需24道之多,最后的打磨甚至要靠工匠们手掌的皮肉。


Small tree in Xiamen City painting agency, own a real strenght is strong, rather deep artist of 资 of famous national class and professional painter's troops, the work topic is extensive, the form is diverse.
The company mainly whets the paint painting, statue of Buddha painting, idol painting, spirit guarding painting, god of wealth painting.The work silk scroll establishes the color, traditional culture of deep, the color is gorgeous, the art personal status is high, having already sold as far as Korea, Japanese …… to be subjected to the good opinion deeply now.In recent years the company expands the calligraphy and painting market continuously, firm set up the brand image.In order to satisfy the need of the social different layer personage, establish to have recreational salon that the art atmosphere, Tanwen appreciates the skill very much.

In order to adapt the new form of the economy of world, the small tree painting agency by dint of oneself to the comprehension of the electronic commerce, strengthen to the information-based construction of business enterprise, continue for inherit and develop the Chinese traditional cultural art to contribute the power.

Whet the paint painting, is the craft art work that Vietnam has the special features only, be rated as the national treasure of Vietnam, is also to spread the importance of accept Vietnam civil and traditional cultural art essence to carry the body.Study of ancient relics the result enunciation, in 3 centry A.D. in front and back, Vietnam lacquer ware has already have mature of craft and fashionable quality.France of 19 centuries rules Vietnam beginning, a nations of Vietnam millstone lacquer ware , go to the 20's in 20 centuries, long paint painting the art got the extensive dissemination, and start to whet the direction development of paint the painting.Vietnam decorates the custom of the palace, the pavilions and terraces building with the mutual attachment already a long time, and leave the precious inheritance on many buildings.Whet the paint painting and various whet the paint, the ware has already spread over the whole Vietnam, becoming the important exit merchandise of Vietnam;But in Vietnam art museum, whetted the paint painting to display an elegant work only.Is still that country up to now most one of the art exports .

Whet the paint painting creation:The raw material of the lacquer ware draws from to paint the tree, method with mow the gum homology.Has been put off, dilution, mix blend after, the people canned obtained to float from the tree paint to paint( the oil lac) in the essence- oil insect of the upper level, being suitable for these oils insect paint does not stopped to mix blend 8-10 must join after hours loose joss-stick, with in the days to come again to beat to whet.In addition, the special lacquer ware work still needs special" formulation" at this time:Join the sand and can make a different red for example;The narcissus flower seed son can make into the yellow pigment;Eggshell, pearl the mother and the snail hull whet powder after, can make the white, blue or the paint … of the purple color the … is in make draw process, for the sake of the better earth's surface now object, can also according to appearance the demand of the contents, adopt the black paint, ZHU QI , cashew nut the paint, transparent color paint goes together with with various steel of , eggshell, shell, stone slice, wood slice, gold, silver, tin, precious stone, etc. the material carries on draw, Carvings, fill and change to draw, the cover is clear, the 莳 draws and beats to whet and inset various skill method of etc., end through beat to whet and cover up the transparent paint, use the thin tile ash with living the oil to refuse all.Vietnam lacquer ware adopts the wood more, before apply paint, they must be beat to whet to take shape, and the surface can't have any minor faults.After paint the first paint film, the lacquer ware wants the dry in the air , the dry 2-3 geniuseses can continue to brush the paint, brushing each time henceforth up a paint, must dry in the air do 23 days, and spend previous several beat to whet the …… this work preface and will carry on again and again with the pumice, usually need 24 the wayses are many, end of beat to whet to even want to depend the flesh of the craftsmans palm.

Whet to paint the special pleasant impression that the painting instruments has the other painting to grow the can not compare with, if the flair that change to draw, write freely motley and whet decorous etc. of the paint, make whet the appearance of paint the painting to attain the gorgeous magic, sink the ancient deeply, delightfully fresh and elegant, endless art result of lingering charm.Its painting breeze is sumptuous, cultured, delightfully fresh and interesting and novel, such as poem,such as song,, have the heavy charm of Southeast Asia, is other oil paintings, versions painting, Chinese Chinese painting etc. the painting grow can't and.Positive because whet the paint painting to have the special art language and miraculous manifestations, shining material of gaudiness, the complexity of the special, craft and abundant performance dint of the natural paints of the paint painting material, abundant skin texture result that change much, because of the material SHI YI4's craft means, add it whets the paint painting use of paint and color is acid-proof, bear the alkali and bear very hot, the age is more long more chatoyant, just so become the special tranquil and enjoyable and indoor art painting of style, the hall of the thick Athens decorate;It has the painting and craft dual to belong to sex, having already become having the special adornment result and collecting the worth art object gradually now, being good opinion by the domestic and international people of different walks of life and advertising for to buy to collect, all over world-wide locations of footprint.
第1个回答  2005-11-06
第2个回答  2005-11-06
第3个回答  2005-11-06