
生活在日本相模湾的豆蟹,甲3.8—4.2 毫米,只有一个米粒那么大.
是深海拖网船"赫斯勃"号于1934年捕到的.从尾端到钳尖1.2 米,重19公斤多.这个大龙虾陈列在美国波士顿科学馆里.
美国加利福尼亚州近海发现的一种海兔蜗牛,平均重量3.2—3.6公斤,最重 6.8公斤.
最大的动物:蓝鲸 ___
最高的动物:长颈鹿 ____
最大的陆地动物:象_ _

最大的动物:蓝鲸 ___
最高的动物:长颈鹿 ____
最大的陆地动物:象_ _


The longevity of the animals
In mammals, the most longevity of the animal is an elephant, it is said that it will live 60-70 years old. Of course, the keeping of wild and artificial occasions is different, the former shorter life expectancy. According to records,哥拉帕格斯Islands long as to live 180-200 years old.
Fastest animal
Fastest when the number of animals cheetah, which hunt for prey when the hour, 110 kilometers to run. Cheetah is the head meat cats to deer, antelope for prey. Deer, antelope and other animals hard running when not more than seventy kilometers per hour, it will be caught soon. However, if the distance is not very short, can not uphold the cheetah on the fastest speed, it nearby to capture prey.
The most powerful animal
Lions are known as "百兽之王", but it did not hit an elephant. However, a small number of attacks as the baby had not heard of lions being trampled to death as the mother too. But the elephant in the Indian tiger attacks, there was elephant foot injury, it seems, the most powerful animal or the elephant.
The most intelligent animals
The most intelligent mammals in the chimpanzee. And humans are similar to apes, as well as in the case of Zoology apes gorillas Section, the Baltic states and other real estate gorillas, gibbons and orangutans, such as the dark, which is the most intelligent chimpanzee. It Although the brain size of only 400 milliliters, 500 milliliters as gorillas there. However, it is particularly the brain function significantly.
The most short-lived animal
In addition to insects, the most short-lived is a Health yessoensis in Hokkaido swamp rats, born in spring, the East day die, a life span of only eight to ten months. However, on the indoor feeding it, can live to 23年.
Most of the animals
Of course the most important animal is the whale, which is equivalent to like 56. At India as an elephant and the African elephant, which the smaller weight of about 4000-5000 kg, the public, as most of 8000 kilograms. African elephant weight 6000-7000 kg, the highest record of 12,000 kilograms.
Zhenhai smallest
Life in Japan's Sagami Bay bean crab, a 3.8-4.2 mm, only one grain of rice so much.
Zhenhai most
Produced in Australia, Bass Strait, weighing 14 kilograms.
Largest lobster
Is a deep-sea trawlers, "赫斯勃" is caught in the 1934. From the end of the clamp tip 1.2 meters and weighing more than 19 kilograms. This big lobster on display at the Science Museum in Boston.
Longest jellyfish
In 1965, Massachusetts was the water into the beach, umbrella the Department of 2.3 meters in diameter, tentacles 36.58 meters, if the tentacles flattened, even up to 74 meters.
The smallest lobster
South African lobster angle, with a total length about 10 cm only.
The largest snails
California coastal waters found a snail Aplysia, the average weight of 3.2-3.6 kg, and most 6.8 kilograms.
General shell more than 20 cm high, up to 40 cm.
Seashells of the most valuable
Shellfish experts believe that living abroad in the Philippines玛瑙贝scarce luxury white teeth, has a total of .1975 found three years in November, overseas Macri Island in the Philippines to capture a view to 7000 U.S. dollars sold to the Japanese.
Animals in the water the longest breath-hold
Breathe with lungs of marine animals, in the breath the longest underwater sea turtles. It is inhaled in one breath, dive in the water to swim several days and nights.
The most destructive insect
The most destructive insect is distributed in Africa and Asia, the western wasteland grasshopper. Certain weather conditions can lead to flocks of grasshoppers will be encountered in flight almost all the plant air swallowed a grasshopper .5000 10,000 a day by eating crops 500 a year for life.
The most ferocious birds
Living in the Andes of South America between the steep cliffs of the Andean condor, body length of up to 1.2 meters, three meters of两翅started. It has a strong and hook of the song "铁嘴" and sharp Claw, specifically to eat live animals, not only to eat deer, sheep, rabbits and other small and medium-sized animals, and even of large predatory mammals such as cougar, it has "the lion eat the birds" and "the king of birds," the call.
Most other animals
The largest animals: blue whale ___
The longevity of animals: turtles _
The highest animals: giraffe ____
Most of the animals legs: millipedes __
Most other animals
Swimming Champion: dolphins _
沙漠之舟: Camel
The largest land animals: as _ _
The largest amphibians: giant salamander
中文—检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > The smallest lobster
South African lobster angle, with a total length about 10 cm only.
The largest snails
California coastal waters found a snail Aplysia, the average weight of 3.2-3.6 kg, and most 6.8 kilograms.
General shell more than 20 cm high, up to 40 cm.
Seashells of the most valuable
Shellfish experts believe that living abroad in the Philippines玛瑙贝scarce luxury white teeth, has a total of .1975 found three years in November, overseas Macri Island in the Philippines to capture a view to 7000 U.S. dollars sold to the Japanese.
Animals in the water the longest breath-hold
Breathe with lungs of marine animals, in the breath the longest underwater sea turtles. It is inhaled in one breath, dive in the water to swim several days and nights.
The most destructive insect
The most destructive insect is distributed in Africa and Asia, the western wasteland grasshopper. Certain weather conditions can lead to flocks of grasshoppers will be encountered in flight almost all the plant air swallowed a grasshopper .5000 10,000 a day by eating crops 500 a year for life.
The most ferocious birds
Living in the Andes of South America between the steep cliffs of the Andean condor, body length of up to 1.2 meters, three meters of两翅started. It has a strong and hook of the song "铁嘴" and sharp Claw, specifically to eat live animals, not only to eat deer, sheep, rabbits and other small and medium-sized animals, and even of large predatory mammals such as cougar, it has "the lion eat the birds" and "the king of birds," the call.
Most other animals
The largest animals: blue whale ___
The longevity of animals: turtles _
The highest animals: giraffe ____
Most of the animals legs: millipedes __
Most other animals
Swimming Champion: dolphins _
沙漠之舟: Camel
The largest land animals: as _ _
The largest amphibians: giant salamander
The smallest lobster
South African lobster angle, with a total length about 10 cm only.
The largest snails
California coastal waters found a snail Aplysia, the average weight of 3.2-3.6 kg, and most 6.8 kilograms.
General shell more than 20 cm high, up to 40 cm.
Seashells of the most valuable
Shellfish experts believe that living abroad in the Philippines玛瑙贝scarce luxury white teeth, has a total of .1975 found three years in November, overseas Macri Island in the Philippines to capture a view to 7000 U.S. dollars sold to the Japanese.
Animals in the water the longest breath-hold
Breathe with lungs of marine animals, in the breath the longest underwater sea turtles. It is inhaled in one breath, dive in the water to swim several days and nights.
The most destructive insect
The most destructive insect is distributed in Africa and Asia, the western wasteland grasshopper. Certain weather conditions can lead to flocks of grasshoppers will be encountered in flight almost all the plant air swallowed a grasshopper .5000 10,000 a day by eating crops 500 a year for life.
The most ferocious birds
Living in the Andes of South America between the steep cliffs of the Andean condor, body length of up to 1.2 meters, three meters of两翅started. It has a strong and hook of the song "铁嘴" and sharp Claw, specifically to eat live animals, not only to eat deer, sheep, rabbits and other small and medium-sized animals, and even of large predatory mammals such as cougar, it has "the lion eat the birds" and "the king of birds," the call.
Most other animals
The largest animals: blue whale ___
The longevity of animals: turtles _
The highest animals: giraffe ____
Most of the animals legs: millipedes __
Most other animals
Swimming Champion: dolphins _
沙漠之舟: Camel
The largest land animals: as _ _
The largest amphibians: giant salamander
The smallest lobster
South African lobster angle, with a total length about 10 cm only.
The largest snails
California coastal waters found a snail Aplysia, the average weight of 3.2-3.6 kg, and most 6.8 kilograms.
General shell more than 20 cm high, up to 40 cm.
Seashells of the most valuable
Shellfish experts believe that living abroad in the Philippines玛瑙贝scarce luxury white teeth, has a total of .1975 found three years in November, overseas Macri Island in the Philippines to capture a view to 7000 U.S. dollars sold to the Japanese.
Animals in the water the longest breath-hold
Breathe with lungs of marine animals, in the breath the longest underwater sea turtles. It is inhaled in one breath, dive in the water to swim several days and nights.
The most destructive insect
The most destructive insect is located in western Africa and Asia grasshopper wasteland. Certain weather conditions can lead to flocks of grasshoppers will be encountered in flight almost all the plant air swallowed a grasshopper .5000 10,000 a day by eating crops 500 a year for life.
The most ferocious birds
Living in the Andes of South America between the steep cliffs of the Andean condor, body length of up to 1.2 meters, three meters of两翅started. It has a strong and hook of the song "铁嘴" and sharp Claw, specifically to eat live animals, not only to eat deer, sheep, rabbits and other small and medium-sized animals, and even of large predatory mammals such as cougar, it has "the lion eat the birds" and "the king of birds," the call.
Most other animals
The largest animals: blue whale ___
The longevity of animals: turtles _
The highest animals: giraffe ____
Most of the animals legs: millipedes __
Most other animals
Swimming Champion: dolphins _
沙漠之舟: Camel
The largest land animals: as _ _
The largest amphibians: giant salamander
第1个回答  2009-04-13
The oldest living animals
In mammals, the most long-lived animal is an elephant, allegedly it can live up to 60 to 70 years old. Of course the wild places and artificial breeding is different, the former life shorter. According to records, pug islands like to live longer and to 200 years.
The fastest animal
The fastest animal when several cheetahs, it hunted prey, can run a hundred per hour. Cheetah is carnivorous orders to cats, such as deer, antelope, antelope. Deer prey animals such as per hour when running desperately, no more than 70 kilometers, so will soon caught. However, if the distance is not very short, cheetahs will not adhere to the fastest speed, so it is near to catch prey.
The toughest animals
The lion is called "the king of beasts," but it doesn't go to attack. However, few elephant like baby lion attacked by a matriarch didn't hear. But have trampled to death in India, but the tiger attack elephants have been on the injury, elephant, the toughest animals or an elephant.
The cleverest animal
The cleverest mammals are human and chimpanzee is similar. And zoology of ape in the Baltic ape gorillas, etc, the gibbon and real gorilla orangutans, etc, among which the most dark. It is clever chimpanzee brain size, although only 400 milliliters as gorillas have 500 ml. However, it is particularly significant brain function.
The short-lived animals
Besides, the insects short-lived is a born in Hokkaido shrimp, spring from the swamp rats born, the die, life is only eight to ten months. However, it can live on indoor feeding into two.
The heaviest animal
The heaviest animal is, of course, it is equivalent to a whale. WuLiuTou like India and Africa elephants points, the former is lesser, weight is about 4,000 to 5,000 kg, the heaviest male elephant is 8000 kg. The African elephant weight six to seven kilograms, record of 12,000 kilograms.
The smallest sea crab
Life in Japan are bay, the bean crab 3.8-4.2 mm, only a rice.
The heaviest sea crab
In Australia, buss weighing fourteen kilograms.
The biggest lobster
Is HeSiBo "deep trawl boat", in 1934, to the tail pointed to clamp. From 1.2 meters, more than 19 kg. The large lobster on display in Boston scientific stadium.
The longest jellyfish
In 1965 was rushed to the sea beach umbrella parts, Massachusetts 2.3 meters in diameter, 36.58 tentacles, if the tentacles, flattening for 74 meters.
The smallest lobster
South Africa's horn is only 10 centimeters, lobster.
The biggest snails
California coastal found a sea rabbit snail, average weight 320-3.6 kilograms, the heaviest 6.8 kilograms.
The biggest discus
Generally, more than 20 centimeters high shells can reach 40 centimeters.
The most expensive seashells
Shellfish expert thinks, living in the Philippines overseas white teeth, agate bei scarce rare total found three. November, 1975, MaKeLi island in the Philippines overseas, to capture one only sold $7,000 people in Japan.
Water is the longest breathless
Use lung respiration Marine animals, the longest underwater generates a turtle. It can be inhaled breath, swam in several days and nights.
The most destructive insects
The most destructive insects are distributed in Africa and Asia, western desert locusts. Some weather conditions can cause swarms of locusts will the flight of almost all plants. 50 million grasshopper engulfed in a day of crops for 500 people live a year.
The fierce bird
Life in the south of the andes mountains between escarpment, length of the Andean vultures can reach 1.2 meters, two wings spread of 3 metres. It has a strong and hook the "iron sharp claws and beak, designed to eat a live animal, not only eating deer, rabbits, sheep, and even small animals such as large prey puma mammal, therefore has the lion" bird "and" king of the birds "title.
The other animals
Blue whale is the biggest animal: _ _ _
The oldest living animals: turtle _
The highest animals: giraffes _ _ _ _ _
Most animals: 1000 feet foot worm _ _
The other animals
Title: dolphins swim
The desert: a camel
The largest land animal: like _ _ _
The biggest amphibians: WaWaYu
Problem: you must answer today added within, urgent need. Don't online translation, that is not accurate. The answer for improving terrify before 5-10. Thank you!

The other animals
Blue whale is the biggest animal: _ _ _
The oldest living animals: turtle _
The highest animals: giraffes _ _ _ _ _
Most animals: 1000 feet foot worm _ _
The other animals
Title: dolphins swim
The desert: a camel
The largest land animal: like _ _ _
The biggest amphibians: WaWaYu本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-04-13

The longevity of the animals

In mammals, the most longevity of the animal is an elephant, it is said that it will live 60-70 years old. Of course, the keeping of wild and artificial occasions is different, the former shorter life expectancy. According to records,哥拉帕格斯Islands long as to live 180-200 years old.

Fastest animal

Fastest when the number of animals cheetah, which hunt for prey when the hour, 110 kilometers to run. Cheetah is the head meat cats to deer, antelope for prey. Deer, antelope and other animals hard running when not more than seventy kilometers per hour, it will be caught soon. However, if the distance is not very short, can not uphold the cheetah on the fastest speed, it nearby to capture prey.

The most powerful animal

Lions are known as "百兽之王", but it did not hit an elephant. However, a small number of attacks as the baby had not heard of lions being trampled to death as the mother too. But the elephant in the Indian tiger attacks, there was elephant foot injury, it seems, the most powerful animal or the elephant.

The most intelligent animals

The most intelligent mammals in the chimpanzee. And humans are similar to apes, as well as in the case of Zoology apes gorillas Section, the Baltic states and other real estate gorillas, gibbons and orangutans, such as the dark, which is the most intelligent chimpanzee. It Although the brain size of only 400 milliliters, 500 milliliters as gorillas there. However, it is particularly the brain function significantly.

The most short-lived animal

In addition to insects, the most short-lived is a Health yessoensis in Hokkaido swamp rats, born in spring, the East day die, a life span of only eight to ten months. However, on the indoor feeding it, can live to 23年.

Most of the animals

Of course the most important animal is the whale, which is equivalent to like 56. At India as an elephant and the African elephant, which the smaller weight of about 4000-5000 kg, the public, as most of 8000 kilograms. African elephant weight 6000-7000 kg, the highest record of 12,000 kilograms.

Zhenhai smallest

Life in Japan's Sagami Bay bean crab, a 3.8-4.2 mm, only one grain of rice so much.

Zhenhai most

Produced in Australia, Bass Strait, weighing 14 kilograms.

Largest lobster

Is a deep-sea trawlers, "赫斯勃" is caught in the 1934. From the end of the clamp tip 1.2 meters and weighing more than 19 kilograms. This big lobster on display at the Science Museum in Boston.

Longest jellyfish

In 1965, Massachusetts was the water into the beach, umbrella the Department of 2.3 meters in diameter, tentacles 36.58 meters, if the tentacles flattened, even up to 74 meters.

The smallest lobster

South African lobster angle, with a total length about 10 cm only.

The largest snails

California coastal waters found a snail Aplysia, the average weight of 3.2-3.6 kg, and most 6.8 kilograms.


General shell more than 20 cm high, up to 40 cm.

Seashells of the most valuable

Shellfish experts believe that living abroad in the Philippines玛瑙贝scarce luxury white teeth, has a total of .1975 found three years in November, overseas Macri Island in the Philippines to capture a view to 7000 U.S. dollars sold to the Japanese.

Animals in the water the longest breath-hold

Breathe with lungs of marine animals, in the breath the longest underwater sea turtles. It is inhaled in one breath, dive in the water to swim several days and nights.

The most destructive insect

The most destructive insect is located in western Africa and Asia wasteland grasshopper. Certain weather conditions can lead to flocks of grasshoppers will be encountered in flight almost all the plant air swallowed a grasshopper .5000 10,000 a day by eating crops 500 a year for life.

The most ferocious birds

Living in the Andes of South America between the steep cliffs of the Andean condor, body length of up to 1.2 meters, three meters of两翅started. It has a strong and hook of the song "铁嘴" and sharp Claw, specifically to eat live animals, not only to eat deer, sheep, rabbits and other small and medium-sized animals, and even of large predatory mammals such as cougar, it has "the lion eat the birds" and "the king of birds," the call.

Most other animals

The largest animals: blue whale ___

The longevity of animals: turtles _

The highest animals: giraffe ____

Most of the animals legs: millipedes __

Most other animals

Swimming Champion: dolphins _

沙漠之舟: Camel

The largest land animals: as _ _

The largest amphibians: giant salamander
第3个回答  2009-04-13