


October 1st is National Day. On this day, my mother and I went to Xinlei Park and Central Plains Cultural Palace.There are flowers everywhere in the park. The fountain on the square sprayed a beautiful column of water, and the falling water drops looked like pearls in the sun.


A bunch of bright red and golden chrysanthemums form the words "Long live the motherland". Colorful flags fluttered in the square and white pigeons were flying in the blue sky. There were joyous crowds everywhere, and people were holding five-star red flags in their hands.I had a great time today!

鲜红的一串红和金黄的菊花组成了“祖国万岁”的字样。广场上彩旗飘飘,蓝天上飞着洁白的鸽子。到处 都是欢乐的人群,人们手里都拿着五星红旗。今天我玩得真高兴!

第1个回答  2016-10-03
During this National Day public holiday, I am planning to stay home and revise for all my subjects. Since it is almost end of the year and exams are coming up soon, I must use all my time wisely and thoughtfully in order to achieve a good school mark. Therefore, even though it is a holiday, I will still use it to study. However, I will still spend some time with my family and catch up with my friends because I believe studying is most effective when it is flexible and working as balance diet.
第2个回答  2019-10-11
题目居中:My National Day
正文:第一段:My National Day is happy.
第3个回答  2018-12-09
National day is coming .I went to the zoo this morning.That was very interesting. After that, I'm going to have a party at home evening. Invite some friends to my house to play.翻译:国庆节快到了,我今天早上去动物园。那很有趣,之后,我打算在家里举办一个聚会。晚上邀请一些朋友到我家玩。(求采纳)😊😊 ฅ( ̳• ◡ • ̳)ฅ