

We need the photographer in the private room again. He should come in at 3.00 pm to take photos of the set up. When the event begins, he should take photos of the main seminar presenter (doris) - who will be showing off some wines and speaking, also take photos of the sommelier from Sofitel who is doing the translation in the front stage area. Also participants will be tasting wine at their tables. So we need to take photos of them. Also photos at the wine exhibitors tables (there should be about 4 exhibitors).

At about 5.00 pm, we have a cocktail reception - people will be walking around the exhibitors tables and eating food at the same time - so he needs to take photos here.

Main focus - on Doris the wine presenters and audience tasting wine.
In the history of the Katmai National Park and Monument, stretching back over 85 years, not one person had been seriously mauled, let alone killed, by a bear. Still, these huge animals are far from harmless. At least twice, Treadwell was reduced to a quaking ball of nerves. In one case, witnessed from a distance by a bear-viewing guide in the mid-'90s, an older male bear who was courting a female lost his temper at Treadwell and stopped just short of knocking his head off. Another time, threatened by a bear trashing his tent, Treadwell made a radio call in a total panic to a local air service, asking for an immediate fly-out from the area.
Treadwell never carried a gun, and maintained that even if firearms had been legal in the park, he still wouldn't have carried one. Early on he swore off nonlethal means of protection, like the newly developed (and highly effective) portable electric fences, and even pepper spray. The spray he did use once, when he felt he had no other choice, hosing a bear he'd named Cupcake; he was so distressed by the bear's apparent agony that he vowed he'd never use repellent again. Fear, he decided, wasn't the message he wanted to send. Good intentions were the only shield he needed.追问

