
跪求、普陀区初三语文第一学期期末质量抽查试卷参考答案和评分标准 注意:是跪求、P話少講、很急

九年级第一学期英语期末试题(牛津)试题分析 Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar I. Choose the best answer. 1. C。句子的主语实际上是nobody,“but Kitty and Kelly”是插入成分,不是谓语的主语。 2. C。“be used to do sth.”,被用来做某事,所以排除B和D选项。A选项中的“them”是多余的成分,所以答案是C。 3. B。anyone/anybody意思是“每个人”,后面不能接of的短语;every显然后面不能跟of的短语;any of一般用于含有否定意义的句子;every one of …意为……中的每一个。 4. A。be used to sth.,习惯于某物。 5. B。precious,宝贵的,与valuable意思相近。 6. B。find sth. + adj.,表示发现某物处于某种状态。表示布满了……用be covered with,而且落叶的英文表达是fallen leaves,已经落下的叶子。 7. B。用来修饰名词用such,修饰形容词用so,所以such用来修饰little boys和a short time,用so来修饰much。 8. C。the worst,最恶劣的、最糟糕的。The+adj.的结构表示的是一类人或者事物,使名词,如the poor, the old等。 9. B。unless,除非。在条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句部分用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 10. C。题目中用how long提问,说明动词是一个可以表示持续状态的动词,所以排除和borrow相关的选项。由于是对一个持续的状态提问,所以要用现在完成时。 11. A。女老师的复数是women teachers,而女学生的复数是girl students。 12. C。表示“他是英国人”可以用“He is English”或者“He is an Englishman”,表示“他是法国人”可以用“He is French”或者“He is a Frenchman”。 13. B。如果think引导的从句是否定句,则否定成分要移到主句中,变成I don’t think …,在否定句中not … any of them表示它们中的任何一个都不……。 14. D。it is nice of sb. to do sth.,意思是某人做某事很好,对于表示人的品质、特性等的时候介词用of。a ticket to sw.,到某处的一张票。 15. B。“I have a picture of Miss White”,我有一张White小姐的照片。 16. B。ill只能用作补语,不能用作定语。类似的形容词还有alone, asleep, awake, alive, alike, afraid, ashamed等。 17. A。在表示处所或者店铺式,“’s”属格中的名词可以省略,如the tailor’s,裁缝店;the chemist’s,药房;the dentist’s,牙医诊所等。 18. C。“twenty minutes”虽然意思是二十分钟,但是它作为一个表示时间的名词被当作名词单数。 19. A。根据判断此句为what引导的感叹句,且fuel是不可数名词,所以选择A。 20. A。rise,起立;raise a question,提问。 21. C。satisfactory/satisfying,令人满意的,用来形容物;satisfied,满意的,用来形容人;satisfaction,名词,满意。 22. C。题目中的句子正确的表达方式可以是What a lovely girl (she is)! / How lovely a girl (she is)! 23. C。except一般用于同类排除,而except for表示费同类排除。如:All the rooms were bright except mine. / The room was dark except for a faint light in the corner. 24. C。almost no,几乎没有。 25. C。close作副词意思是“接近”;closely作副词意思是“仔细地”。 26.C。本句是牛津9年级Chapter 7的原句,考核的是同学们对于课文中词组的掌握程度。come into,进来;come up,出现;come across,偶遇、给人印象深刻;come through,经历。 II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms 27. achieved。achieve是achievement的动词形式,意思是完成、达到。 28. variety。variety是various的名词形式,意思是变化、多样性。 29. remove。remove由move转变而来,意思是移走、拿开。 30. personalities。personality由person变化而来,意思是性格,需要注意的是在句子的环境中要用复数形式。 31. dark。dark是darkness的形容词。the bright and the dark是相对的,意思是光明的一面和黑暗的一面。 32. permission。permission是permit的名词,意思是允许、许可,ask permission (from sb.),征得(某人)允许。 33. memorized。memorize是memory的动词,意思是记住。 34. amazement。amazement是amazing的名词,意思是惊讶。 III. Rewrite the sentences as required. 35. If will。 36. are sold。 37. How did。对于方式提问用how。 38. great a。 39. aren’t they/isn’t he。someone可以被视作为复数,也可以被视为单数。 40. who are Part 3 Reading and writing I. Reading comprehension A. 41. F。参见第二段“On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening …”说明男孩和父亲是在晚上钓鱼,而不是一大早。 42. T。参见第三段“When his pea pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end”。 43. F。从文中可以推断出在鲈鱼季节到来之前,任何人都不能在湖里捕鱼。 44. F。参见第十段“... the boy could tell by the clarity of his father’s voice that the decision was not negotiable …”negotiable的意思是不可商量的,所以男孩的爸爸是不会改变他的决定的。 45. T。参见第一段“He was 11 years old …”和第十二段“That was 34 years ago.”可以算出男孩现在已经45岁了。 46. T。参见第十三段“But he does see that same fish — again and again — every time he comes up against a question of ethics.” 47. F。文章最后部分所指的说给朋友和外孙子女听得就是男孩和父亲钓鱼的故事,而不是本人的故事。 B. 48. C。参见第一段“He tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup for the Rose of the Year.” 49. A。参见第二段“Boys of around thirteen of age were often tempted to throw a stone or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses.” 50. D。参见第二段“So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or near his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.” 51. D。参见第三段“But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times … He had been to school to report to the headmaster … He had even picked up all the stones that he could find around his garden …”。 52. C。在第四段中Mr. Flowers树立起一块告示牌,这样男孩子们就有投石块的新目标的。 53. D。参见第四段。在树立新的告示牌之后男孩子们再也不朝玻璃房扔石子了,说明他们感兴趣的不是玻璃房,而只是扔石子。 54. D。这道题目需要同学们理解后作出选择,Mr. Flowers因为找到了男孩子们丢石子的根源,所以他解决了问题。 C. 55. C。参见第一段“And one of them was in a most terrible condition”。因为作者说他要照顾的人情况很糟,所以此处应当选择worse。 56, D。第一段中“I am hungry, ___(56)___I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain”都是并列的,所以横线处加that,句子其实是“I would have said thatI am hungry, thatI am dying, thatI am cold, thatI am in pain”。 57. A。参见第一段“I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for.”题目其实是对他从阴沟里找来的那个人所说的话的复述。 58. B。第二段中作者说“I think more and more love will spread”,说明爱是从家里开始慢慢向外扩展的。 59. C。own family, our country, the world是层层递进的,所以句子的意思是先从家里开始,然后扩展到国家,再扩展到整个世界。 60. D。从第三段“I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread …”可以看出作者从街上带回家的人肯定是饿了。 61. B。in nature,在自然界中;naturally,自然而然的;natural,自然的;by nature,本性上。 D. 62. are。谓语的主语是people,所以用are。 63. to。path to …,到……的道路。 64. whatever。Whatever field you go into …,无论你进入什么领域。 65. before。句子中提到“new approaches”,所以作者要表达的意思是前人未想到过的办法。 66. nation。从“their country, their n________(66), their city”可以看出横线处的单词和country和city属于一类,自然而然就会想到nation。 67. education。从“how can I help to teach children …”中可以看出作者在这里讨论的是关于教育的问题,education可以从teach这个单词中推断出来。 68. working。 E. 69. Because my mother’s hands felt work-worn and rough against my young skin.参见第二段“But it did annoy me, for they felt work-worn and rough against my young skin.”。 70. No, she didn’t.参见第二段“But never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar expression of her love.” 71. Yes, I did.参见第三段“By then I missed my mother’s hands, missed her goodnight kiss on my forehead.” 72. She is in her mid-seventies. 参见第四段“Mom is in her mid-seventies”。 73. He was dead.参见第五段“Mom no longer has Dad”,可以猜测作者的父亲去世了。 74. Since the night I said “Don’t do that anymore-your hands are too rough!”参见第三段“Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts returned to that night.”自从作者对她妈妈说不要在抚摸她的那一晚之后,作者一直对自己说的话耿耿于怀。 75. I think it is one of the greatest loves in the world. (Any reasonable answers are acceptable.) IV. Writing 略 这个是牛津版的