英语作文 了解关于蜀道的作文


第1个回答  2016-04-17
Intones difficult, difficult to move on. There're so many people in the field are asking whether the brazil-china chamber is very poor, very poor? There is a bilateral sichuan people know China. Now let me tell you!

At the beginning of the brazil-china chamber is located in north sichuan, railway, airport have been into the close shot plan. Multiple highway under construction, the next two or three years, bilateral to chongqing, chengdu, xian, as long as three hours.
Bazhong no good, only a nanjiang antelope, the world's second production, first in Asia.
Bazhong no what good-looking of, only a mountain fog creates, has more than Beijing xiangshan red maple leaves.
Bazhong no fun, there is only one water river, the river is one of the country's largest cave.
Bazhong no good repair, only one ?
第2个回答  2016-04-17
英语作文 了解关于蜀道的作文;也许,遗憾对你来说是一个十恶不赦的妖魔。可是,你回过头想想:是什么东西多次的提醒你,做事时该怎样做才能做得跟好?是什么东西时常提醒你,如何去面对那些棘手的事情?那些提醒你的东西竟是你过去所留下的遗憾啊!或许,遗憾,会像一池落花,淡泊,却依然是本回答被网友采纳